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1 H 54Min / country=USA / / genre=Drama, Musical / 1951 / star=Gene Kelly. Ein amerikaner in paris watch movie streaming. Ein amerikaner in paris watch movie 2016. Ein Amerikaner in Paris Watch.

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Ein amerikaner in paris watch movies. Top Copyright 2015 - 2019 Cross 8 UG (haftungsbeschränkt. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Impressum, Nutzungsbedingungen, Datenschutz, Kontakt [v2. 190811] Amazon und das Amazon-Logo sind Warenzeichen von, Inc. oder eines seiner verbundenen Unternehmen. This product uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb. Ein Amerikaner in Paris Watch movie page imdb. Ein amerikaner in paris watch movie 1. Ein amerikaner in paris watch movie review. Ein Amerikaner in Paris Watch movie. Filmdaten Deutscher Titel Ein Amerikaner in Paris Originaltitel An American in Paris Produktionsland USA Originalsprache Englisch Erscheinungsjahr 1951 Länge 108 Minuten Altersfreigabe FSK 12 Stab Regie Vincente Minnelli Drehbuch Alan Jay Lerner Produktion Arthur Freed Musik Saul Chaplin George Gershwin Kamera Alfred Gilks John Alton Schnitt Adrienne Fazan Besetzung Gene Kelly: Jerry Mulligan Leslie Caron: Lise Bouvier Oscar Levant: Adam Cook Georges Guétary: Henri Baurel Nina Foch: Milo Roberts Ein Amerikaner in Paris ist ein US-amerikanischer Musicalfilm des Regisseurs Vincente Minnelli aus dem Jahr 1951. Der Film hatte am 26. August 1951 in London Premiere. Handlung [ Bearbeiten, Quelltext bearbeiten] Jerry Mulligan (Gene Kelly) ist ein amerikanischer Kriegsveteran, der sich in Paris verliebt hat und dort versucht, als Maler Karriere zu machen. Sein Freund und Nachbar Adam Cook (Oscar Levant) ist ein Konzertpianist, der an einer eigenen Komposition arbeitet. Sein Freund, der französische Sänger Henri Baurel (Georges Guétary) besucht ihn in der Bar im Erdgeschoss des Hauses und beschreibt Adam seine Freundin Lise Bouvier (Leslie Caron. Sie sei sehr vielseitig und taucht in entsprechend vielen Varianten in Adams Vorstellungen bildlich auf. Später kommt Jerry vorbei, der auf dem Wege ist, Bilder zu verkaufen. Als Jerry vor seinen zum Verkauf ausgestellten Bildern steht, kommt eine blonde Dame, Milo Roberts (Nina Foch) vorbei, die sich für seine Bilder – und für ihn – interessiert. Sie kauft ihm zwei Bilder ab, hat aber kein Geld dabei und nimmt Jerry zu ihrem Appartement mit, bezahlt und lädt ihn zu einer Diner-Party ein. Zurück zu Hause singt Jerry mit den Kindern der Umgebung Gershwins „I got rhythm“ und steppt dazu. Als er abends Milo zur angekündigten Party besucht, stellt sich heraus, dass er der einzige Gast ist. Verärgert darüber will er ihr das Geld zurückgeben, aber sie besteht darauf, dass sie ihm nur als Künstler helfen will. Die beiden besuchen daraufhin eine überfüllte Bar. Es kommen Freunde von Milo, und während sie zusammen sitzen, entdeckt Jerry an einem anderen Tisch ein hübsches Mädchen (es ist Lise) mit älteren Freunden und ist hingerissen. Er geht an ihren Tisch und gibt sich als alter Bekannter aus und führt sie zum Tanzen. Sie wehrt ihn ab, und als er zurück am Tisch fragt, „Wie war doch deine Telefonnummer? “, gibt sie eine falsche an, wird aber von einem ihrer Begleiter korrigiert. Im Auto auf dem Heimweg beschwert sich Milo, dass er in ihrer Gegenwart mit einem fremden Mädchen angebandelt hat. Verärgert über die Vorhaltung steigt Jerry aus. Am nächsten Tag ruft Jerry Lise an, sie weist ihn aber ab. Dann kommt Milo vorbei, entschuldigt sich für den Abend zuvor und lädt ihn zu einer Varieté-Vorstellung am Abend. Jerry sucht nun Lise an ihrem Arbeitsplatz auf, es ist eine Parfümerie. Sie weist ihn wieder ab, aber als eine Kundin sich nicht entscheiden kann, welches Parfüm sie nehmen soll, hilft Jerry ihr bei der Wahl und erleichtert Lise so das Geschäft. Sie ist nun einverstanden, ihn abends zu sehen. Sie treffen sich am Ufer der Seine im Schatten von Notre Dame gegenüber, unterhalten sich und tanzen zusammen. Dann eilt sie zur Varieté-Schau, trifft Henri nach der Vorstellung. Im folgenden Filmabschnitt verfällt der komponierende Adam in einen Traum und sieht, dass seine Komposition endlich aufgeführt wird. Während die Musik rauscht – es ist der 3. Satz aus Gershwins Concerto in F, sieht man Adam dirigieren, man sieht ihn aber auch auf allen Orchesterpositionen, auch die Zuschauer, die sind nur er. Nach dem begeisterten Applaus sieht man Adam zusammen mit dem Dirigenten, also zweimal Adam. Jerry und Milo besuchen den Kostümball auf dem Montmartre, wo es turbulent zugeht. Jerry sieht Lise mit Henri, sie treffen sich auf dem Balkon des Hauses und nehmen Abschied – beobachtet von Henri. Nachdem Henri und Lise den Ball verlassen haben, beginnt Jerry zu träumen. Zu der Melodie von Gershwins „Ein Amerikaner in Paris“ folgen revueartige Szenen mit Jerry als tänzerischer Hauptfigur, beginnend am großen runden Brunnen auf der Place de la Concorde. Im Laufe der Musik wechseln die Hintergründe, man sieht Gassen, gemalt von Utrillo, Hintergründe von Rousseau, Figuren von Toulouse-Lautrec. Mit vier weiteren amerikanischen Soldaten, die sich mit Jerry pariserisch kleiden, steppt die Gruppe über die Bühne. In vielen Szenen taucht dann auch Lise auf, jedes Mal anders gekleidet. Jerry kommt wieder zu sich und sieht, wie Lise, von Henri freigegeben, aus dessen Wagen aussteigt und zu ihm hoch läuft. Jerry läuft ihr entgegen, sie umarmen einander, während der Film mit der Gershwin-Melodie ausklingt. Musik, Tanz [ Bearbeiten, Quelltext bearbeiten] Die Produktion zeichnet sich insbesondere durch die von Gene Kelly entwickelte Choreographie der Tanz- und Balletteinlagen aus. Die Musik stammt vor allem von George Gershwin, dessen Tondichtung Ein Amerikaner in Paris dem Film den Titel gab, und der von Oscar Levant in der Rolle von Jerrys Freund Adam als nach seinem magnum opus strebender Komponist karikiert wird. Auch das Lied I Got Rhythm, gesungen von Gene Kelly, ist im Film zu hören. Kritik [ Bearbeiten, Quelltext bearbeiten] Quelle Bewertung Rotten Tomatoes Kritiker [1] Publikum IMDb [2] Lexikon des Internationalen Films: „Aus dem harmonischen Zusammenklang von Minnellis phantasievoller Regie, Kellys brillanter Choreographie und dem mit optischer Delikatesse eingefangenen Flair von Paris gelang eines der überzeugendsten, vielfach preisgekrönten Beispiele des amerikanischen Filmmusicals. “ [3] Norbert Stresau in Der Oscar. Alle preisgekrönten Filme, Regisseure und Schauspieler seit 1929. 2., aktualisierte Auflage. Heyne-Filmbibliothek, Nr. 198. Heyne, München 1994, ISBN 3-453-07872-1, S. 210: „Glorreicher Technicolor -Musicalkitsch auf halbem Weg zur Kunst. “ Evangelischer Film-Beobachter (Kritik Nr. 17a/1966) Vor allem in den Traumsequenzen erreicht dieses Musical. nach der Musik von Gershwin, das in der Filmgeschichte einen hervorragenden Platz einnimmt, die seltene Einheit von Musik, Tanz und Spielhandlung. Als ungetrübte Unterhaltung ab 12 nachdrücklich zu empfehlen. Auszeichnungen [ Bearbeiten, Quelltext bearbeiten] Oscarverleihung 1952 Bester Film – Arthur Freed Bestes Originaldrehbuch – Alan Jay Lerner Beste Kamera (Farbfilm) – Alfred Gilks, John Alton Bestes Szenenbild (Farbfilm) – Cedric Gibbons, E. Preston Ames, Edwin B. Willis, F. Keogh Gleason Bestes Kostümdesign (Farbfilm) – Orry-Kelly, Walter Plunkett, Irene Sharaff Beste Filmmusik (Musikfilm) – Johnny Green, Saul Chaplin Golden Globe Award für den Besten Film – Komödie oder Musical Aufnahme in das Verzeichnis National Film Registry 1993, in das als besonders erhaltenswert angesehene Filme aufgenommen werden. Literatur [ Bearbeiten, Quelltext bearbeiten] Hans-Jürgen Kubiak: Die Oscar-Filme. Die besten Filme der Jahre 1927/28 bis 2004. Die besten nicht-englischsprachigen Filme der Jahre 1947 bis 2004. Die besten Animationsfilme der Jahre 2001 bis 2004. Schüren, Marburg 2005, ISBN 3-89472-386-6 Weblinks [ Bearbeiten, Quelltext bearbeiten] Ein Amerikaner in Paris in der Internet Movie Database (englisch) Einzelnachweise [ Bearbeiten, Quelltext bearbeiten] ↑ a b Ein Amerikaner in Paris bei Rotten Tomatoes, abgerufen am 25. Mai 2015 ↑ Ein Amerikaner in Paris in der Internet Movie Database (englisch) ↑ Ein Amerikaner in Paris. In: Lexikon des internationalen Films. Zweitausendeins, abgerufen am 2. März 2017.

Ein Amerikaner in Paris Watch movie database. Gene Kelly verliebt sich in Leslie Caron und tanzt wie ein Verrückter zu der Musik von George Gershwin! Der Musicalklassiker bekam sieben Oscars Bewertung Stars Redaktions Kritik Bilder News Kino- Programm Originaltitel An American in Paris Cast & Crew Jerry Mulligan Lise Bourvier Adam Cook Henri Baurel Milo Roberts Redaktionskritik Gene Kelly verliebt sich in Leslie Caron und tanzt wie ein Verrückter zu der Musik von George Gershwin! Der Musicalklassiker bekam sieben Oscars. Arm, aber glücklich feiern zwei erfolglose amerikanische Künstler Maler Jerry (Gene Kelly) und Komponist Adam (Oscar Levant) am Pariser Montmartre das Leben der Boheme. Jerry wird von einer Millionärin (Nina Foch) umgarnt, doch sein Herz pocht nur für die Parfümverkäuferin Lise (Leslie Caron. Die aber will den berühmten Sänger Henri (Georges Guetary) heiraten, weil der ihr im Krieg das Leben gerettet hat. Auf einem Kostümball nehmen Jerry und Lise Abschied… Vincente Minnelli verstand es, wie damals auch Stanley Donen, die künstliche Musical-Ästhetik auf die Spitze zu treiben. Seine Fantasie gipfelt in einer 18-minütigen Ballett-Sequenz. Gene Kelly und Leslie Caron tanzen mit 120 Mitwirkenden zu Gershwins Klängen durch Kulissen, die Gemälden von Renoir, Utrillo und Toulouse-Lautrec nachempfunden sind. Perfekt verschmelzen Handlung, Ausstattung und Tanz. Die zauberhaft-ironische Revue erhielt sechs reguläre Oscars, Choreograph und Tänzer Gene Kelly einen Ehren-Oscar. Fazit Eines der schönsten Musicals überhaupt Film-Bewertung Ein Amerikaner in Paris (US 1951) Wie bewerten Sie diesen Film? Für diese Funktion müssen sie in der Community angemeldet sein. Jetzt anmelden Noch keine Inhalte verfügbar.

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Ein amerikaner in paris watch movie youtube. Komplette Handlung und Informationen zu Ein Amerikaner in Paris Der amerikanische Maler Jerry Mulligan verliebt sich im Paris der frühen Nachkriegsjahre in die junge Verkäuferin Lise. Die erwidert seine Gefühle, ist aber bereits mit dem bekannten Sänger Henri verlobt. Alles steuert auf ein tragisches Ende hin, doch auf einem großen Kostümfest nimmt das Schicksal der drei eine überraschende Wende. "Ein Amerikaner in Paris" ist eines der schönsten und erfolgreichsten Musicals der Filmgeschichte. In der Hauptrolle ein sensationeller Gene Kelly, ganz und gar in seinem Element: Sein grenzenloser Perfektionismus bei der Ausarbeitung der Tanzszenen wurde 1951 mit einem Ehren-Oscar belohnt.

Ein amerikaner in paris watch movie full. Trailer Besetzung & Stab User-Kritiken Pressekritiken FILMSTARTS-Kritik Bilder VoD Blu-ray, DVD Zum Trailer Bewerte: 0. 5 1 1. 5 2 2. 5 3 3. 5 4 4. 5 5 Möchte ich sehen Kritik schreiben Inhaltsangabe & Details Der amerikanische Soldat Jerry Mulligan (Gene Kelly) erliegt den Verlockungen der französischen Hauptstadt Paris und beschließt, dort zu bleiben, obwohl der Zweite Weltkrieg beendet ist. Seine Liebe zu der Parfümverkäuferin Lise Bouvier (Leslie Caron) steht jedoch unter keinem guten Stern, da die hübsche Frau bereits an den Sänger Henri Baurel (George Guétary) vergeben ist. Glücklicherweise muss Jerry wenigstens nicht darben, da er auf die wohlhabende Milo Roberts (Nina Foch) zählen kann, die ein Auge auf ihn geworfen hat. Aber das Leben in der Bequemlichkeit einer zwar finanziell sicheren, der wahren Liebe jedoch entgegenstehenden Existenz erfüllt Jerry nicht. Er sehnt sich weiter danach, die angebetete Lise in seine Arme schließen zu können. Originaltitel An American in Paris Verleiher - Weitere Details 1:54 Das könnte dich auch interessieren Schauspielerinnen und Schauspieler Komplette Besetzung und vollständiger Stab User-Kritik 0 User-Kritik Aktuelles Ähnliche Filme Weitere ähnliche Filme Kommentare.

Streame Ein Amerikaner in Paris jetzt bei diesen Anbietern Ein Amerikaner in Paris ist ein Screwball-Komödie aus dem Jahr 1951 von Vincente Minnelli mit Gene Kelly, Leslie Caron und Oscar Levant. 9, 99 Kaufen 2, 99 Leihen Ein Amerikaner in Paris Mehr Infos: SD, Deutsch Zum Streaming-Anbieter 5, 98 Kaufen 3, 99 Leihen Ein Amerikaner in Paris Mehr Infos: HD, Deutsch Zum Streaming-Anbieter 9, 99 Kaufen 3, 99 Leihen Ein Amerikaner in Paris Mehr Infos: HD, SD, Deutsch, Englisch Zum Streaming-Anbieter 9, 99 Kaufen 3, 99 Leihen Ein Amerikaner in Paris Mehr Infos: HD, SD, Deutsch, Englisch Zum Streaming-Anbieter 5, 98 Kaufen Ein Amerikaner in Paris Mehr Infos: HD, SD, Englisch Zum Streaming-Anbieter Wir konnten leider keinen Anbieter finden, der deinen Filtern entspricht und "Ein Amerikaner in Paris" im Angebot hat.

An American Werewolf in Paris Views: 1622 Genre: Comedy,  Horror Director: Anthony Waller Actors: Alan McKenna, Anthony Waller, Ben Salem Bouabdallah, Charles Maquignon, Chris Bearne, Christian Magnani, David F. Friedman, Hervé Sogne, Jean-Claude Deret, Julie Bowen, Julie Delpy, Maria Machado, Phil Buckman, Philip Rosch, Pierre Bodry, Pierre Cosso, Pieter Riemens, Serge Basso, Thierry Lhermitte, Tom Everett Scott, Tom Novembre, Vince Vieluf Country: France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States of America Duration: 105 min Release: 1997. Wird geladen... Trailer Start 17. 12. 1952 113 Min Romanze Musical USA Regie Vincente Minnelli Drehbuch Alan Jay Lerner Cast Gene Kelly, Leslie Caron, Oscar Levant, Georges Guétary, Nina Foch, The American In Paris Ballet, Robert Ames, Joan Anderson, Marie Antoinette Andrews, Martha Bamattre, Felice Basso, Charles Bastin, Joan Bayley, Janine Bergez, Rodney Bieber, Madge Blake Inhalt US-amerikanischer Musicalfilm und Beziehungskomödie von Regisseur Vincente Minnelli mit Gene Kelly aus dem Jahr 1951. Quelle: Es liegt noch keine offizielle Kritik für diesen Film vor. Es liegen noch keinerlei Meinungen und Kritiken für diesen Film vor. Sei der Erste und schreib deine Meinung zu Ein Amerikaner in Paris auf. Jetzt deine Kritik verfassen.

Ein Amerikaner in Paris Watch movies. (various spoilers follow)
Gene Kelly. Not Georges Guetary, who is sometimes criticized for being too young and un-French. Not Leslie Caron, who is sometimes criticized for her very green performance. Not even Oscar Levant, who more often than not annoys the dickens out of me.
No, it would definitely be Gene Kelly. There's something about his screen persona that's too ambitious and focused for him to be convincing as a penniless artist in Paris, content to put off facing the critics indefinitely, frolicking with little kids and old ladies and painting in the streets. That's what made him so effective in SINGIN' IN THE RAIN and other movies where he played ambitious, focused characters. Jerry Mulligan is in some ways a cousin to Tommy Albright in BRIGADOON, another Lerner story with Kelly miscast as an American at loose ends who falls in love with a picturesque European place and an innocent female who embodies its virtues.
Except that Jerry isn't as likeable as even poor dazed Tommy. That's another galling thing about this film. Jerry is sometimes a cad to Milo, and even worse to Lise. When he first sees the latter at a club, he pulls a dirty trick to get her to dance with him. When she sits down again he pulls an even dirtier trick to get her phone number. When he calls her the next day she hangs up on him, which he takes as a cue to drop in at her workplace. And throughout all this it's obvious she wants NOTHING to do with him. When she starts laughing at his jokes in the perfume shop, it's about as believable as Milo's interest in his paintings. Sure he's good-looking and playful, but why should that sway her when she's got Henri, who seems like a gentleman to boot?
Admittedly it comes off so distasteful partly because of the actress. If a role like Lise was played by, say, Judy Garland, she would shower Jerry with indignant insults and glares. If she was played by Cyd Charisse, one would admire his guts. But when she's played by first-timer Leslie Caron she looks and acts like a shy, vulnerable teenager, and as a result Jerry just seems like a creep. And why DID they choose these other actors (though personally I'd rather they'd solved things by changing the lead) when the whole story hinges on the romance of these two young poor sweethearts disentangling themselves from their loveless commitments to older rich people? Not only is Gene Kelly a few years above Guetary and Foch, he's old enough to be Caron's father.
In short I think it all would have been improved by casting some young comedic-relief type dancer as Jerry, the kind that usually turned up in musical supporting roles... e.g. Ray MacDonald in GOOD NEWS or Bobby Van in SMALL TOWN GIRL. Maybe not them necessarily but someone LIKE them. Someone who could have chased Lise and made it seem harmlessly playful; someone who would have appeared genuinely happy living in that Chaplinesque hole-in-the-wall; someone whose humor and naivete would have contrasted better with Oscar Levant's sarcastic grumpiness. It probably also would have made the ballet seem less ponderous. And it might have provided a voice that could sing Gershwin better.
All this may give the impression that I don't like Gene Kelly. I do like him. He was terrific in most of his films, just not this one (well, and a few others. I don't despise AAIP itself, either; it has good points, like the art direction. And Leslie Caron, who despite her inexperience is rather charming, and really does look like she just stepped out of a painting. Georges Guetary does a fine job and his "Stairway to Paradise" is my favorite number in the movie. Nina Foch is beautiful and touching and should have ended up with SOMEBODY. But not Jerry Mulligan. I wouldn't wish that on her.

Ein amerikaner in paris watch movie trailer. Ein amerikaner in paris watch movie english.

Ein amerikaner in paris watch movie hd. An American in Paris Theatrical release poster Directed by Vincente Minnelli Produced by Arthur Freed Written by Alan Jay Lerner Starring Gene Kelly Leslie Caron Oscar Levant Georges Guétary Nina Foch Music by George Gershwin Lyrics: Ira Gershwin Musical direction: Johnny Green Saul Chaplin Cinematography Alfred Gilks Ballet: John Alton Edited by Adrienne Fazan Production company Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Distributed by Loew's Inc. [1] Release date October 4, 1951 (New York) 2] January 11, 1952 (USA) Running time 113 minutes Country United States Language English Budget 2. 7 million [3] Box office 7 million [3] An American in Paris is a 1951 American musical comedy film inspired by the 1928 orchestral composition An American in Paris by George Gershwin. Starring Gene Kelly, Leslie Caron, Oscar Levant, Georges Guétary, and Nina Foch, the film is set in Paris, and was directed by Vincente Minnelli from a script by Alan Jay Lerner. The music is by George Gershwin, with lyrics by his brother Ira, with additional music by Saul Chaplin, the music director. The story of the film is interspersed with dance numbers choreographed by Gene Kelly and set to Gershwin's music. [4] MGM executive Arthur Freed bought the Gershwin musical catalog from George's brother Ira in the late 1940s, since George died in 1937. [4] Some of the tunes in this catalog were included in the movie, such as " I Got Rhythm " and " Love Is Here to Stay. 4] Other songs in the movie include " I'll Build A Stairway to Paradise " and. S Wonderful. The climax of the film is "The American in Paris" ballet, a 17-minute dance featuring Kelly and Caron set to Gershwin's An American in Paris. [4] The ballet sequence cost almost half a million dollars to shoot. [4] It was filmed on 44 sets in MGM's back lot. [4] An American in Paris was an enormous success, garnering eight Academy Award nominations and winning six (including Best Picture) as well as earning other industry honors. In 1993, it was selected for preservation by the United States Library of Congress in the National Film Registry for being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant. 5] It is ranked #9 among AFI's Greatest Movie Musicals. Plot [ edit] American World War II veteran Jerry Mulligan ( Gene Kelly) is an exuberant expatriate in Paris trying to make a reputation as a painter. His friend and neighbor, Adam Cook ( Oscar Levant) is a struggling concert pianist and longtime associate of a French singer, Henri Baurel ( Georges Guétary. At the ground-floor bar, Henri tells Adam about his cultured girlfriend, Lise Bouvier ( Leslie Caron. Jerry joins them later, before going out to sell his art. A lonely society woman and heiress, Milo Roberts ( Nina Foch) finds Jerry displaying his paintings in Montmartre and takes an interest in him and his art. She brings him to her apartment to pay for his works, and invites him to a dinner party she is throwing later that night. After singing with French children on the way home. I Got Rhythm. Jerry goes up to Milo's apartment. He quickly finds out the "party" is actually a one-on-one date, and tells Milo he has no interest in being a paid escort. When he attempts to leave after giving her money back, she insists she is only interested in his art. They go to a crowded bar, and Milo offers to sponsor an art show for Jerry as a friendly gesture. Some of Milo's friends arrive, and while sitting with them, Jerry sees Lise seated with friends at the next table, and is instantly smitten. He ignores Milo and her acquaintances, and instead pretends to know Lise already and dances with her. She is standoffish and gives Jerry a wrong phone number, but is innocently corrected by someone at her table. Milo is upset by Jerry's behaviour and suddenly decides to go home. On their way home she tells Jerry he was very rude cavorting with a girl he does not know while in her presence; tired of Milo, Jerry gets out of the car and bids her farewell. The next day, Jerry calls Lise at her work, but she tells him to never call her again. Jerry and Milo meet at a cafe, and she informs him a collector is interested in his paintings and she arranged a showing later that day. Before going to the showing, he goes to the parfumerie where Lise works and she consents to a late dinner with him. She does not want to be seen eating with him in public, but they share a romantic song and dance on the banks of the Seine River in the shadows of Notre Dame. However, she quickly rushes off to meet Henri after his performance. I'll Build a Stairway to Paradise. where Henri tells her he has been asked to go on a tour of America and asks her to marry him. Later, Adam humorously daydreams he is performing Gershwin's Concerto in F for Piano and Orchestra for a gala audience in a concert hall. As the scene progresses, Adam is also revealed to be the conductor, other members of the orchestra, and even an enthusiastic audience member applauding himself at the end. Milo gets Jerry an art studio and tells him she has planned an exhibition of his work in three months. He initially refuses the studio because he does not have the money for it, but eventually accepts it under the condition he pay Milo back when his art proceeds allow him. Roughly a month later and after much courting, Lise abruptly runs off when she and Jerry arrive by taxi at his apartment. When Jerry complains to Adam, Adam is shocked to realize both Henri and Jerry are involved with the same woman. Henri and Jerry discuss the woman they each love. S Wonderful. unaware she is the same woman. That night, Jerry and Lise reunite in the same place on the banks of the Seine close to Notre Dame. She informs him she is marrying Henri the next day and going to America. Lise feels a sense of duty to Henri, to whom she feels indebted for keeping her safe during World War II. She and Jerry proclaim their love for each other. Feeling slighted, Jerry invites Milo to the art students' masked ball and kisses her. At the raucous party, with everyone in black-and-white costumes, they meet Henri and Lise, and Jerry finally tells Milo about his feelings for Lise. Henri overhears Jerry and Lise saying goodbye to each other, and realizes the truth. As Henri and Lise drive away, Jerry daydreams about being with Lise all over Paris to the tune of the George Gershwin composition An American in Paris. His reverie is broken by a car horn, the sound of Henri bringing Lise back to him. They embrace as the Gershwin composition (and the film) ends. Cast [ edit] Gene Kelly as Jerry Mulligan Leslie Caron as Lise Bouvier Oscar Levant as Adam Cook Georges Guétary as Henri "Hank" Baurel Nina Foch as Milo Roberts Eugene Borden as Georges Mattieu John Eldredge as Jack Jansen (uncredited) Anna Q. Nilsson as Kay Jansen (uncredited) Hayden Rorke, best known for playing Dr. Alfred Bellows on the TV series I Dream of Jeannie (1965–1970) has an uncredited part as a friend of Milo. Noel Neill, who had already portrayed Lois Lane in the two Columbia Pictures forties Superman serials, and would later do so again on the TV series The Adventures of Superman, has a small role as an American art student who tries to criticize Jerry's paintings. Jazz musician Benny Carter plays the leader of a jazz ensemble performing in the club where Milo first takes Jerry. Madge Blake, best known for playing Bruce Wayne 's aunt Harriet Cooper on the TV series Batman (1966–1968) has an uncredited part as a customer in the perfume shop in which Lise works. Judy Landon, better known for her appearance in Kelly's next musical Singin' in the Rain (and as the wife of Brian Keith) and Sue Casey appear as dancers in the "Stairway to Paradise" sequence. Dudley Field Malone plays an uncredited Winston Churchill. Music and dance [ edit] Embraceable You " – Lise " Nice Work If You Can Get It " – Hank " By Strauss " – Jerry, Hank, Adam " I Got Rhythm " – Jerry " Tra-la-la (This Time It's Really Love. – Jerry, Adam " Love Is Here to Stay " – Jerry, Lise " I'll Build a Stairway to Paradise " – Hank Concerto in F for Piano and Orchestra – Adam, The MGM Symphony Orchestra " S Wonderful " – Jerry, Hank An American in Paris Ballet – Jerry, Lise, Ensemble The 17 minute ballet sequence, with sets and costumes referencing French painters including Raoul Dufy, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Maurice Utrillo, Henri Rousseau, and Toulouse-Lautrec, 6] is the climax of the film, and cost the studio approximately 450, 000 to produce. [7] Some of the backdrops for this sequence measured 300 feet wide and 40 feet high. [8] Production on the film was halted on September 15, 1950. Minnelli left to direct another film, Father's Little Dividend. Upon completion of that film in late October, he returned to film the ballet sequence. [9] Reception [ edit] Bosley Crowther of The New York Times gave a mostly positive review largely on the strength of the closing dance number which he called "one of the finest ever put upon the screen" as well as Leslie Caron's performance, writing that the film "takes on its own glow of magic when Miss Caron is on the screen. When she isn't, it bumps along slowly as a patched-up, conventional music show. 10] Variety called the film "one of the most imaginative musical confections turned out by Hollywood in years. Kelly is the picture's top star and rates every inch of his billing. His diversified dancing is great as ever and his thesping is standout. 11] Harrison's Reports deemed it "an excellent entertainment, a delight to the eye and ear, presented in a way that will give all types of audiences extreme pleasure. 12] Richard L. Coe of The Washington Post called it "the best musical movie I've ever seen" praising its "spirit of crisp originality and sophistication rarely found in a screen musical. 13] John McCarten of The New Yorker called it "a thoroughly pleasant musical film. Never too tightly confined by its slender story, An American in Paris' skips from love in the moonlight to handsome ballets with the greatest of ease, and Mr. Kelly is always ready, willing, and able to execute a tap dance. 14] The Monthly Film Bulletin called it "merely a good musical, far more attractive than most, but considerably less than the material seemed to promise. This is due in part to unimaginative use of the Paris settings—a very obvious tourist's view—and to the rather curious way in which the story, after building up interest in Jerry's painting and in his one-man show, simply shelves the whole issue. 15] Reviewing the film in 2011, James Berardinelli wrote that it "falls into the category of a weak Oscar winner. The movie is enjoyable enough to watch, but it represents a poor choice as the standard-bearer of the 1951 roster. It's a fine, fun film with a lot of great songs and dancing but there's nothing about this production that causes it to stand out when compared to one of dozens of musicals from the era. 16] Box office [ edit] According to MGM records, the film earned 3, 750, 000 in the U. S. and Canada and 3, 231, 000 in other countries during its initial theatrical release. This resulted in the studio making a 1, 346, 000 profit. [3] Awards and honors [ edit] Academy Awards [ edit] Wins Academy Award for Best Picture: Arthur Freed, producer Academy Award for Best Art – Set Decoration, Color: E. Preston Ames, Cedric Gibbons, F. Keogh Gleason, and Edwin B. Willis Academy Award for Best Cinematography, Color: John Alton and Alfred Gilks Academy Award for Best Costume Design, Color: Orry-Kelly, Walter Plunkett, and Irene Sharaff Academy Award for Best Music, Scoring of a Musical Picture: Saul Chaplin and Johnny Green Academy Award for Best Writing, Story and Screenplay: Alan Jay Lerner Nominations Academy Award for Best Director: Vincente Minnelli Academy Award for Best Film Editing: Adrienne Fazan Golden Globes [ edit] Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy Golden Globe Award for Best Director – Motion Picture: Vincente Minnelli Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy: Gene Kelly Others [ edit] Kelly received an Academy Honorary Award that year for "his versatility as an actor, singer, director and dancer, and specifically for his brilliant achievements in the art of choreography on film. 17] It was his only Oscar. The film was entered into the 1952 Cannes Film Festival. [18] In 1993, An American in Paris was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant. American Film Institute recognition 1998: AFI's 100 Years. 100 Movies – #68 2002: AFI's 100 Years. 100 Passions – #39 2004: AFI's 100 Years. 100 Songs – #32 " I Got Rhythm " 2006: AFI's Greatest Movie Musicals – #9 AFI also honored star Kelly as #15 of the top 25 American male screen legends. Digital restoration [ edit] In 2011, the film was digitally restored by Warner Bros. for its 60th anniversary. [19] 20] Stage adaptations [ edit] 2008 adaptation [ edit] A stage version of the musical was adapted by Ken Ludwig, and began previews at the Alley Theatre ( Houston) on April 29, 2008, officially opening on May 18 and running through June 22. The production, directed by Alley artistic director Gregory Boyd with choreography by Randy Skinner, starred Harry Groener and Kerry O'Malley. The musical had many of the film's original songs, and also incorporated other Gershwin songs, such as "They All Laughed. Let's Call the Whole Thing Off" and "Love Walked In. 21] 22] 2014 adaptation [ edit] In 2014, a stage adaptation premiered in Paris at the Théâtre du Châtelet, with Robert Fairchild as Jerry Mulligan and Leanne Cope as Lise Bouvier (here renamed Lise Dassin and turned into an aspiring ballet dancer. The production, which ran from November to January 2015, was directed and choreographed by Christopher Wheeldon, written by Craig Lucas and designed by Bob Crowley. The musical then transferred to Broadway, with previews at Palace Theatre beginning on March 13, 2015, before officially opening there on April 12. [23] 24] 25] In popular culture [ edit] The epilogue of the 2016 musical film La La Land references the set design and costuming of An American in Paris, which director Damien Chazelle called "a movie that we just pillaged. 26] References [ edit] An American in Paris at the American Film Institute Catalog ^ An American in Paris - Details. AFI Catalog of Feature Films. Retrieved June 20, 2018. ^ a b c The Eddie Mannix Ledger, Los Angeles: Margaret Herrick Library, Center for Motion Picture Study. ^ a b c d e f Mcgovern, Joe (February 2017. The Musical That Changed movies. Entertainment Weekly (1451/1452) 82–87. ^ National Film Registry. National Film Registry (National Film Preservation Board, Library of Congress. Retrieved May 24, 2018. ^ Koresky, Michael. "An American in Paris and Gigi. Retrieved December 28, 2016. ^ McGee, Scott. "An American in Paris: Articles. Turner Classic Movies. Retrieved December 28, 2015. ^ Marshall, Kelli (2015-05-19. An American in Paris: Onstage and Onscreen. JSTOR Daily. Retrieved 2019-12-02. ^ An American in Paris: Notes. Retrieved December 28, 2015. ^ Crowther, Bosley (October 5, 1951. The Screen: Four New Movies Open. The New York Times: 38. ^ An American in Paris. Variety: 6. August 29, 1951... An American in Paris' with Gene Kelly, Leslie Caron and Oscar Levant. September 1, 1951: 138. ^ Coe, Richard L. (November 7, 1951. American in Paris' Has Many Virtues. The Washington Post: B9. ^ McCarten, John (October 6, 1951. The Current Cinema. The New Yorker: 73. ^ An American in Paris. The Monthly Film Bulletin. 18 (212) 323. September 1951. ^ Berardinelli, James (January 24, 2011. An American in Paris. ReelViews. Retrieved June 20, 2018. ^ King, Susan (March 16, 2017. Gene Kelly's widow recalls magic of the film 'An American in Paris' as the stage version comes to SoCal. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved September 17, 2018. ^ An American in Paris. Festival de Cannes. Retrieved October 8, 2011. ^ Braxton, Greg (October 21, 2010. Restored 'An American in Paris' to open TCM Classic Film Festival. LA Times. ^ An American in Paris re-released after digital restoration. BBC. 2 November 2011. ^ The Gershwins' An American in Paris Again Extends Houston Run. 2011-10-08. Archived from the original on 2009-01-26. Retrieved 2011-10-08. ^ The Gershwins' An American in Paris: 2007-2008 Season. Alley Theatre. Retrieved October 8, 2011. ^ Gans, Andrew. An American in Paris Will Open at Broadway's Palace in 2015" Archived July 25, 2014, at the Wayback Machine, July 17, 2014 ^ Beardsley, Eleanor (December 25, 2014. The French Go Crazy For 'An American In Paris. NPR. ^ Mackrell, Judith (December 8, 2014. Return to rive gauche: how Christopher Wheedlon adapted An American in Paris. The Guardian. ^ Harris, Aisha (December 13, 2016. La La Land's Many References to Classic Movies: A Guide. Slate. Retrieved May 13, 2017. External links [ edit] An American in Paris on IMDb An American in Paris at the TCM Movie Database An American in Paris at AllMovie An American in Paris at Rotten Tomatoes 's Greatest Films An American in Paris Combustible Celluloid's review of An American in Paris Production art from An American in Paris, Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

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