
Watch Full Length Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words Without Registering director Michael Pack Torrent

Watch Full Length Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words Without Registering director Michael Pack Torrent - by Lucero Amy, February 15, 2020
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Release date - 2020

User rating - 8,8 of 10

Score - 41 vote

writers - Michael Pack


Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words of wisdom. I think this movie shows the confict that exists among men, all around the world, around the issue of power. If there is something that an honest woman among men can feel, it´s confusion. The things of the heart are subtle, as pride or selfishness. I believe she (it´s a movie) should have set herself free from her ideal image of the church and done the good she longed to do in any place that may have granted her this possiblity and/or help. To have someone, who says to belong to a church, to bring that church to court to change their beliefs, is a contradiction. Either you stay to respect their beliefs, or you leave, as did Martin Luther, for both actions show your love for your convictions. Blessings.


Created equal clarence thomas in his own words rotten tomatoes. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words by manifold production. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words movie. Whao so it is a technique the Demorat has been using, The Kavanaugh hearing is like a 100% replay. United States, 2020 Documentary Synopsis Although Clarence Thomas remains a controversial figure, loved by some, reviled by others, few know much more than a few headlines and the recollections of his contentious confirmation battle with Anita Hill. Yet, the personal odyssey of Clarence Thomas is a classic American story. This film is not currently playing on MUBI but 30 other great films are. See whats now showing.

Scumbag Clarence gotta way clean.

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Created equal clarence thomas in his own words official trailer. Clarence Thomas is an American success. His story is the kind that was dreamed of by our founding patriots, and his life is the stuff that inspires millions to want to come to America. JUSTICE THOMAS IS A GOOD MAN and a VERY BRILLIANT JURIST! GOD BLESS JUSTICE THOMAS. The One thing (South- East Asian diaspora communities across the world have failed to do: On slavery, colonialism, white self-aggrandizement and the Black Liberation Movement/ Part 5 This is a continuation of r/EasternSunRising /comments/84ehyj/the_one_thing_southeast_asian_diaspora/ Part 2, 3 and 4 can be found in the comment section of Part1) In order to understand and contextualize the information in Part 5, you will have to read Part 1 first. Looks like yt is downvoting. In the United States, scientific racism justified Black African slavery to assuage moral opposition to the Atlantic slave trade. Alexander Thomas and Samuell Sillen described black men as uniquely fitted for bondage, because of their "primitive psychological organization. 85] In 1851, in antebellum Louisiana, the physician Samuel A. Cartwright (1793–1863) considered slave escape attempts as "drapetomania" a treatable mental illness, that "with proper medical advice, strictly followed, this troublesome practice that many Negroes have of running away can be almost entirely prevented. The term drapetomania (mania of the runaway slave) derives from the Greek δραπέτης (drapetes, a runaway [slave. and μανία (mania, madness, frenzy" 86] Cartwright also described dysaesthesia aethiopica, called "rascality" by overseers. The 1840 United States Census claimed that Northern, free blacks suffered mental illness at higher rates than did their Southern, enslaved counterparts. Though the census was later found to have been severely flawed by the American Statistical Association, John Quincy Adams, and others, it became a political weapon against abolitionists. Southern slavers concluded that escaping Negroes were suffering from "mental disorders. 87] 88] At the time of the American Civil War (1861–65) the matter of miscegenation prompted studies of ostensible physiological differences between Caucasians and Negroes. Early anthropologists, such as Josiah Clark Nott, George Robins Gliddon, Robert Knox, and Samuel George Morton, aimed to scientifically prove that Negroes were a human species different from the white people species; that the rulers of Ancient Egypt were not African; and that mixed-race offspring (the product of miscegenation) tended to physical weakness and infertility. After the Civil War, Southern (Confederacy) physicians wrote textbooks of scientific racism based upon studies claiming that black freemen (ex-slaves) were becoming extinct, because they were inadequate to the demands of being a free man—implying that black people benefited from enslavement. In Medical Apartheid, Harriet A. Washington noted the prevalence of two different views on blacks in the 19th century: the belief that they were inferior and "riddled with imperfections from head to toe" and the idea that they didn't know true pain and suffering because of their primitive nervous systems (and that slavery was therefore justifiable. Washington noted the failure of scientists to accept the inconsistency between these two viewpoints, writing that "in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, scientific racism was simply science, and it was promulgated by the very best minds at the most prestigious institutions of the nation. Other, more logical medical theories stressed the equality of Africans and laid poor black health at the feet of their abusers, but these never enjoyed the appeal of the medical philosophy that justified slavery and, along with it, our nation's profitable way of life. 89] Scientific racism played a role in establishing apartheid in South Africa. In South Africa, white scientists, like Dudly Kidd, who published The essential Kafir in 1904, sought to "understand the African mind. They believed that the cultural differences between whites and blacks in South Africa might be caused by physiological differences in the brain. Rather than suggesting that Africans were "overgrown children" as early white explorers had, Kidd believed that Africans were "misgrown with a vengeance. He described Africans as at once "hopelessly deficient" yet "very shrewd. 90] The Carnegie Commission on the Poor White Problem in South Africa played a key role in establishing apartheid in South Africa. According to one memorandum sent to Frederick Keppel, then president of the Carnegie Corporation, there was "little doubt that if the natives were given full economic opportunity, the more competent among them would soon outstrip the less competent whites. 91] Keppel's support for the project of creating the report was motivated by his concern with the maintenance of existing racial boundaries. [91] The preoccupation of the Carnegie Corporation with the so-called poor white problem in South Africa was at least in part the outcome of similar misgivings about the state of poor whites in the southern United States. [91] The report was five volumes in length. [92] Around the start of the 20th century, white Americans, and whites elsewhere in the world, felt uneasy because poverty and economic depression seemed to strike people regardless of race. [92] Though the ground work for apartheid began earlier, the report provided support for this central idea of black inferiority. This was used to justify racial segregation and discrimination[93] in the following decades. [94] The report expressed fear about the loss of white racial pride, and in particular pointed to the danger that the poor white would not be able to resist the process of "Africanisation. 91] Although scientific racism played a role in justifying and supporting institutional racism in South Africa, it was not as important in South Africa as it has been in Europe and the United States. This was due in part to the "poor white problem" which raised serious questions for supremacists about white racial superiority. [90] Since poor whites were found to be in the same situation as natives in the African environment, the idea that intrinsic white superiority could overcome any environment did not seem to hold. As such, scientific justifications for racism were not as useful in South Africa. [90] Stephen Jay Gould described Madison Grant's The Passing of the Great Race (1916) as "the most influential tract of American scientific racism. In the 1920s–30s, the German racial hygiene movement embraced Grant's Nordic theory. Alfred Ploetz (1860–1940) coined the term Rassenhygiene in Racial Hygiene Basics (1895) and founded the German Society for Racial Hygiene in 1905. The movement advocated selective breeding, compulsory sterilization, and a close alignment of public health with eugenics. Racial hygiene was historically tied to traditional notions of public health, but with emphasis on heredity—what philosopher and historian Michel Foucault has called state racism. In 1869, Francis Galton (1822–1911) proposed the first social measures meant to preserve or enhance biological characteristics, and later coined the term "eugenics. Like scientific racism, eugenics grew popular in the early 20th century, and both ideas influenced Nazi racial policies and Nazi eugenics. In 1901, Galton, Karl Pearson (1857–1936) and Walter F. R. Weldon (1860–1906) founded the Biometrika scientific journal, which promoted biometrics and statistical analysis of heredity. Charles Davenport (1866–1944) was briefly involved in the review. In Race Crossing in Jamaica (1929) he made statistical arguments that biological and cultural degradation followed white and black interbreeding. Davenport was connected to Nazi Germany before and during World War II. In 1939 he wrote a contribution to the festschrift for Otto Reche (1879–1966) who became an important figure within the plan to remove populations considered "inferior" from eastern Germany. [95] The White Man's Burden: The United States and the Philippine Islands" 1899) by Rudyard Kipling, is a poem about the Philippine–American War (1899–1902) in which he invites the United States to assume colonial control of that country. [1] Originally, Kipling wrote the poem for the Diamond Jubilee celebration of Queen Victoria's reign (1837–1901) but it was exchanged for the poem "Recessional" also by Kipling. Later, he rewrote "The White Man's Burden" to address and encourage the American colonization of the Philippine Islands, a Pacific Ocean archipelago conquered from Imperial Spain, in the three-month Spanish–American War (1898. 2] 3] 4] In the poem, Kipling exhorts the reader and the listener to embark upon the enterprise of empire, yet gives somber warning about the costs involved; 5]nonetheless, American imperialists understood the phrase The white man's burden to justify imperialism as a noble enterprise of civilization, conceptually related to the American philosophy of Manifest Destiny. [6] 7] 8] 9] The title and themes of "The White Man's Burden" ostensibly make the poem about Eurocentric racism and about the belief of the Western world that industrialization is the way to civilise the Third World. [10] 11] 12] White separatism is a separatist political or social movement that seeks separate economic and cultural development for white people as well as an independent all-white homeland. White separatism is a form of white nationalism and can be a form of white supremacy. [1] White separatists generally claim genetic affiliation with Anglo-Saxon cultures, Nordic cultures, or other white European cultures. Some also affiliate with white ethnic cultures that developed outside Europe, like the Neo-Confederates and Boer-Afrikaner Nationalists. [citation needed] A study of the white separatist movement in the United States reported that adherents usually reject marriage "outside the white race. The authors also noted "a distinction between the supremacist desire to dominate (as in apartheid, slavery, or segregation) and complete separation by race. 2] Critics argue that contemporary white separatism is a public facade adopted by white supremacists. [3] Racial separatism differs from racial segregation, 4] which is characterized by separation of different racial groups within the same state—that is racial separation in daily life, such as eating in restaurants, drinking from water fountains, using restrooms, attending school, going to the movies, or in renting or purchasing a home. Racial segregation is enforced by the government of a multiracial nation, as in South Africa under apartheid, which seeks to separate different racial groups within the borders of the same state. [5] The Rising Tide of Color: The Threat Against White World-Supremacy (1920) later republished in other titles, like The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy, is a book about geopolitics and racial theory by Lothrop Stoddard which predicts the collapse of white world empire and colonialism because of the population growth among people not of the white race, rising nationalism in colonized nations, and industrialization in China and Japan. Stoddard advocates restricting non-white migration into white nations, restricting Asian migration to Africa and Latin America and slowly giving Middle Eastern and Asian colonies independence. A noted eugenicist, Stoddard supports a separation of the "primary races" of the world and warns against miscegenation. Grant's book is an elaborate work of racial hygiene detailing the racial history of the world. He draws on the scientific theories of genetics and Darwinian evolution, as well as the writings of previous eugenicists and racialist authors, to create a clearly written synthesis aimed at the general reader. [4] In summary the book elaborates Grant's interpretation of contemporary anthropology and history, which he sees as revolving chiefly around the idea of race rather than environment. He specifically promotes the idea of the Nordic race as a key social group responsible for human development; thus the subtitle of the book is The Racial Basis of European History. Grant also supports eugenics, advocating the sterilization of "undesirables" a treatment possibly to be extended to "types which may be called weaklings" and "perhaps ultimately to worthless race types" Other messages in his work include recommendations to install civil organizations through the public health system to establish quasi-dictatorships in their particular fields with the administrative powers to segregate unfavorable races in ghettos. He also mentions that the expansion of non-Nordic race types in the Nordic system of freedom would actually mean a slavery to desires, passions, and base behaviors. In turn, this corruption of society would lead to the subjection of the Nordic community to "inferior" races who would in turn long to be dominated and instructed by "superior" ones utilizing authoritarian powers. The result would be the submergence of the indigenous Nordic races under a corrupt and enfeebled system dominated by inferior races. In Grant's view, Nordics probably evolved in a climate which "must have been such as to impose a rigid elimination of defectives through the agency of hard winters and the necessity of industry and foresight in providing the year's food, clothing, and shelter during the short summer. Such demands on energy, if long continued, would produce a strong, virile, and self-contained race which would inevitably overwhelm in battle nations whose weaker elements had not been purged by the conditions of an equally severe environment" p. 170. The "Proto-Nordic" human, Grant reasoned, probably evolved in "forests and plains of eastern Germany, Poland and Russia" p. The Nordics are, all over the world, a race of soldiers, sailors, adventurers, and explorers, but above all, of rulers, organizers, and aristocrats in sharp contrast to the essentially peasant character of the Alpines. Chivalry and knighthood, and their still surviving but greatly impaired counterparts, are peculiarly Nordic traits, and feudalism, class distinctions, and race pride among Europeans are traceable for the most part to the north. This is the race that gave the world the great civilizations of Egypt, of Crete, of Phoenicia including Carthage, of Etruria and of Mycenean Greece. It gave us, when mixed and invigorated with Nordic elements, the most splendid of all civilizations, that of ancient Hellas, and the most enduring of political organizations, the Roman State. To what extent the Mediterranean race entered into the blood and civilization of Rome, it is now difficult to say, but the traditions of the Eternal City, its love of organization, of law and military efficiency, as well as the Roman ideals of family life, loyalty, and truth, point clearly to a Nordic rather than to a Mediterranean origin. Grant became a part of popular culture in 1920s America. Author F. Scott Fitzgerald made a lightly disguised reference to Grant in The Great Gatsby. Tom Buchanan was reading a book called The Rise of the Colored Empires by "this man Goddard" a combination of Grant and his colleague Lothrop Stoddard. (Grant wrote the introduction to Stoddard's book The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy. Everybody ought to read it" the character explained. "The idea is if we don't look out the white race will be — will be utterly submerged. It's all scientific stuff; it's been proved. Civilization's going to pieces. broke out Tom violently. "I've gotten to be a terrible pessimist about things. Have you read The Rise of the Colored Empires by this man Goddard. Why no. I answered, rather surprised by his tone. "Well, it's a fine book, and everybody ought to read it. The idea is if we don't look out the white race will be — will be utterly submerged. Tom's getting very profound. said Daisy, with an expression of unthoughtful sadness. "He reads deep books with long words in them. What was that word we —. Well these books are all scientific. insisted Tom, glancing at her impatiently. "This fellow has worked out the whole thing. It's up to us, who are the dominant race, to watch out or these other races will have control of things. We've got to beat them down. whispered Daisy, winking ferociously toward the fervent sun. "You ought to live in California —" began Miss Baker, but Tom interrupted her by shifting heavily in his chair. "This idea is that we're Nordics. I am, and you are, and you are, and —" After an infinitesimal hesitation he included Daisy with a slight nod, and she winked at me again. — And we've produced all the things that go to make civilization — oh, science and art, and all that. Do you see. Black separatism is a separatist political movement that seeks separate economic and cultural development for those of African descent in societies, particularly in the United States. Black separatism is a subcategory of black nationalism, stemming from the idea of racial solidarity, and implies that blacks should organize themselves on the basis of their common experience of oppression as a result of their blackness, culture, and African heritage. [1] Black separatism in its purest form, as a subcategory of black nationalism, asserts that blacks and whites ideally should form two independent nations. [2] Black separatists also often seek their original cultural homeland. Black separatists generally think that black people are hindered in their advancement in a society dominated by a white majority. Black nationalism is a type of nationalism which espouses the belief that black people are a nation and seeks to develop and maintain a black identity. Black nationalist activism revolves around social, political, and economic empowerment of black communities and people, especially to resist assimilation into white American culture (through integration or otherwise) and maintain a distinct black identity. [1. Wallace D. Fard founded the Nation of Islam in the 1930s. Fard took as his student Elijah (Poole) Muhammad, who later became the leader of the organization. The basis of the group was the belief that Christianity was exclusively a White man's religion, while Islam was the way for black folk; Christianity was a religion that, like slavery itself, was forced upon the people who suffered at the hands of the whites during their enslavement. The beliefs of the members of the Nation of Islam are similar to others who follow the Quran and worship Allah under the religion of Islam. Founded on resentment of the way Whites historically treated people of color, the Nation of Islam embraces the ideas of Black Nationalism. The group itself has, since the leadership of Elijah Muhammad, recruited thousands of followers from all segments of society: from prisons, as well as from Black pride and Black Nationalist movements. Members of the Nation of Islam preached that the goal was not to integrate into White American culture, but rather to create their own cultural footprint and their own separate community in order to obliterate oppression. Their aim was to have their own schools and churches and to support each other without any reliance on other racial groups. The members of the Nation of Islam are known as “Black Muslims”. As the group became more and more prominent with public figures such as Malcolm X as its orators, it received increasing attention from outsiders. In 1959 the group was the subject of a documentary named The Hate that Hate Produced. The documentary cast the organization in a negative light, depicting it as a black supremacy group. Even with such depictions, the group did not lose support from its people. When Elijah Muhammad died, his son took on the role as the leader of the Nation of Islam, converting the organization into a more orthodox iteration of Islam and abandoning beliefs that tended toward violence. This conversion prompted others to abandon the group, dissatisfied with the change in ideology. They created a “New” Nation of Islam in order to restore the aims of the original organization. [8] 9] Between 1953 and 1964, while most African leaders worked in the civil rights movement to integrate African-American people into mainstream American life, Malcolm X was an avid advocate of black independence and the reclaiming of black pride and masculinity. [14] He maintained that there was hypocrisy in the purported values of Western culture – from its Judeo-Christian religious traditions to American political and economic institutions – and its inherently racist actions. He maintained that separatism and control of politics, and economics within its own community would serve blacks better than the tactics of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and mainstream civil rights groups such as the SCLC, SNCC, NAACP, and CORE. Malcolm X declared that nonviolence was the "philosophy of the fool. and that to achieve anything, African Americans would have to reclaim their national identity, embrace the rights covered by the Second Amendment, and defend themselves from white hegemony and extrajudicial violence. In response to Rev. Martin Luther King's famous "I Have a Dream" speech, Malcolm X quipped, While King was having a dream, the rest of us Negroes are having a nightmare. 15] Prior to his pilgrimage to Mecca, Malcolm X believed that African Americans must develop their own society and ethical values, including the self-help, community-based enterprises, that the black Muslims supported. He also thought that African Americans should reject integration or cooperation with whites until they could achieve internal cooperation and unity. He prophetically believed that there "would be bloodshed" if the racism problem in America remained ignored, and he renounced "compromise" with whites. Malcolm X returned from Mecca with moderate views that included an abandonment of his commitment to racial separatism. However, he still supported black nationalism and advocated that African Americans in the United States act proactively in their campaign for equal human rights, instead of relying on Caucasian citizens to change the laws that govern society. The tenets of Malcolm X's new philosophy are articulated in the charter of his Organization of Afro-American Unity (a secular Pan-Africanist group patterned after the Organization of African Unity) and he inspired some aspects of the future Black Panther movement. [16] In the 1967 Black Power, Stokely Carmichael introduces Black Nationalism. He illustrates the prosperity of the black race in the United States as being dependent on the implementation of black sovereignty. Black Nationalism in the United States would allow blacks to socially, economically and politically be empowered in a manner that has never been plausible in America history. A black nation would work to reverse the exploitation of the black race in America, as blacks would intrinsically work to benefit their own state of affairs. African americans would function in an environment of running their own businesses, banks, government, media and so on and so forth. Black nationalism is the opposite of integration, and Carmichael highlights why integration is harmful to the black population. As blacks integrate to white communities they are perpetuating a system in which blacks are inferior to whites. Blacks would continue to function in an environment of being second class citizens, never reach equity to white citizens. Stokley Carmichael uses the concept of Black Nationalism to promote an equality that would begin to dismantle institutional racism. The Back-to-Africa movement, also known as the Colonization movement or Black Zionism, originated in the United States in the 19th century. It encouraged those of African descent to return to the African homelands of their ancestors. This movement would eventually inspire other movements ranging from the Nation of Islam to the Rastafari movement and proved to be popular among African-Americans. The Five-Percent Nation, sometimes referred to as NGE or NOGE, the Nation of Gods and Earths, or the Five Percenters, is a movement founded in 1964 in the Harlem section of the borough of Manhattan, New York City, by a former member of the Nation of Islam (NOI) Clarence 13X, who was named Clarence Edward Smith at birth, and who ultimately came to be known as Allah the Father. Allah the Father, a former student of Malcolm X, left the NOI after a dispute with Elijah Muhammad over Elijah's teaching that the white man was the devil, yet not teaching that the black man was God. [2] Allah the Father also rejected the assertion that Nation's biracial founder, Wallace Fard Muhammad, was Allah and instead taught that the black man was himself God personified. [2] Members of the group call themselves Allah's Five Percenters, which reflects the concept that ten percent of the people in the world know the truth of existence, and those elites and agents opt to keep eighty-five percent of the world in ignorance and under their controlling thumb; the remaining five percent are those who know the truth and are determined to enlighten the rest. [3] The New York City areas of Harlem ( Mecca" and Brooklyn ( Medina" were named after notable Islamic cities by members of the organization. [4] 5] Other areas include Detroit (D-Mecca. New Jersey ( New Jerusalem. Chicago ( C-Medina. Queens ( the Desert. Connecticut ( New Heaven. St. Louis ( Saudi. Seattle ( Morocco. New Rochelle ( Now Rule. and Dallas ( Sudan. 6] The Nation of Gods and Earths teaches that black people are the original people of the planet Earth, and therefore they are the fathers ( Gods" and mothers ( Earths" of civilization. [2] The Nation teaches that Supreme Mathematics and Supreme Alphabet, a set of principles created by Allah the Father, is the key to understanding humankind's relationship to the universe. The Nation does not believe in a mystery God but instead teaches that the Asiatic Blackman is God and his proper name is Allah, the Arabic word for "God. 2] In its article on Five Percenter Jay Electronica, Vice Magazine stated in regard to the Five Percent Nation: It's a movement that's been affiliated with hip-hop from the very beginning, coining terms like 'ciphers' and 'dropping science' and influencing everyone, World's Famous Supreme Team, Big Daddy Kane, Jay-Z, Rakim, Wu-Tang Clan, Brand Nubian, Common, Poor Righteous Teachers and Nas. With these artists, and any others associated with the Five Percenters, music was more than just a message. 44] The Nation of Gods and Earth has propagated its teachings throughout the United States and abroad. In the early 1980s, this spread was in part due to early adherents teaching when away at college or in the military and, more famously, because of the rise of hip hop music. The main theme of the NGE doctrine spoken on hip hop records were the teachings that black people were the original or first human life to walk the planet, that the Blackman is God, the Black Woman is Earth, and through the inner esoteric powers of the God and Earth, the youth can transform and possess its true potential, which seems to overthrow the overbearing oligarchy by becoming just rulers of themselves. This especially meshed well with conscious themes found in other golden-age hip hop recordings. Early hip-hop acts affiliated with the Five Percenters, and who spread its teachings through hip hop, include two MCs of the late 1980s–early '90s conscious-rap era—Rakim of Eric B. Rakim[45] and Big Daddy Kane. These two acts, as well as some of their other contemporaries, infused Five-Percent teachings and symbolism throughout their music and videos. This reputation brought fans of Rakim in particular to refer to him as the God MC. Not soon after Rakim and Kane's heyday rose acts that were even more explicit with allegiance to the NGE, most notably Brand Nubian, Poor Righteous Teachers, Wu-Tang Clan, Killarmy, Sunz of Man, Gravediggaz and Busta Rhymes. The popularity of these acts sparked a boom of new NGE students. Even the Caucasian hip hop group 3rd Bass cited NGE lessons in the song "Triple Stage Darkness" and other songs. [46] Five Percenters were the innovators behind early hip-hop slang, including "Word is bond. Break it down. peace. droppin' science" and "represent. 3] 47] Many MCs employ the technique and terminology of the Supreme Alphabet to create acrostics, acronyms and backronyms in their rhymes. For example, in the song "Wildflower. Ghostface Killah rhymes, I'm God Cipher Divine. spelling G-O-D in the Supreme Alphabet. [48] 49] Furthermore, The RZA directly rhymes the Twelve Jewels of life's objectives on his later work with Gravediggaz, rhyming in succession: Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding, Freedom, Justice, Equality, Food, Clothing, Shelter, Love, Peace, Happiness. [50] He regularly wears an eight-pointed star pendant with a number seven and a crescent, which can be seen on the cover of his album The World According to RZA. Five Percenters in New York City were even known as a visible presence at parties during hip hop's formative years of the 1970s. Scene pioneer DJ Kool Herc recalled that while there was a heavy gang presence in attendance, the Five Percenters were also there as a de facto peace-keeping element. [51] Other examples of hip hop and R&B acts who are (or have been) associated with Five Percent teachings include Killah Priest, Digable Planets, J-Live, Nas, 52] Erykah Badu, Queen Latifah, Planet Asia, Guru and Petey Pablo. The Five Percent is not a monolithic entity with a rigid ideology. Consequently, it is not possible to posit that Five Percenters all believe or espouse a particular thing. Each member is considered divine in his or her own right and, thus, establishes a way of life, philosophy, ontology, epistemology to fit ones existence based on one's study and personal and community analysis of particular laws, lessons, and sciences. [23] The Gods personal and communal intellectual development occurs through personal study of lessons, “builds” in local ciphers, and “Educational Show and Prove” sessions at Universal Parliaments. [24] Black Power is a political slogan and a name for various associated ideologies aimed at achieving self-determination for people of African descent. [1] It is used primarily, but not exclusively, by African Americans in the United States. [2] 3] The Black Power movement was prominent in the late 1960s and early 1970s, emphasizing racial pride and the creation of black political and cultural institutions to nurture and promote black collective interests[4] and advance black values. "Black Power" expresses a range of political goals, from defense against racial oppression, to the establishment of social institutions and a self-sufficient economy, including black-owned bookstores, cooperatives, farms, and media. [5] 6] 7] 8] However, the movement was criticized for alienating itself from the mainstream civil rights movement, for its apparent support of racial segregation, and for constituting black superiority over other races. [9] 10] Black is beautiful is a cultural movement that was started in the US in the 1960s by African Americans. It later spread beyond the United States, most prominently in the writings of the Black Consciousness Movement of Steve Biko in South Africa. It aims to dispel the racist notion that black people's natural features such as skin color, facial features and hair are inherently ugly. [1] John Rock was long thought to be the first to coin the phrase "black is beautiful" — during a speech in 1858—but historical records indicate he never actually used the specific phrase on that day. [2] The movement also encouraged men and women to stop trying to eliminate African-identified traits by straightening their hair and attempting to lighten or bleach their skin. [3] This movement began in an effort to counteract the racist notion in American culture that features typical of Blacks were less attractive or desirable than those of Whites. Research indicates that the idea of blackness being ugly is highly damaging to the psyche of African Americans, manifesting itself as internalized racism. [4] This idea made its way into black communities themselves[5] and led to practices such as paper bag parties: social events which discriminated against dark-skinned African-Americans by only admitting lighter-skinned individuals. The cultivation of pride in the African-American race was often summarized in the phrase "Black is Beautiful. The phrase is rooted in its historical context, yet the relationship to it has changed in contemporary times. "I don't think it's 'Black is beautiful' anymore. It's 'I am beautiful and I'm black. It's not the symbolic thing, the afro, power sign… That phase is over and it succeeded. My children feel better about themselves and they know that they're black. stated a respondent in Bob Blauner's longitudinal oral history of U. S. race relations in 1986. [54] The outward manifestations of an appreciation and celebration of blackness abound: black dolls, natural hair, black Santas, models and celebrities that were once rare and symbolic have become commonplace. The Black Power movement produced artistic and cultural products that both embodied and generated pride in "blackness" and further defined an African-American identity that remains contemporary. Black Power is often seen as a cultural revolution as much as a political revolution, with the goal of celebrating and emphasizing the distinctive group culture of African Americans to an American society that had previously been dominated by white artistic and cultural expressions. Black power utilized all available forms of folk, literary, and dramatic expression based in a common ancestral past to promote a message of self-actualization and cultural self-definition. [57] The emphasis on a distinctive black culture during the Black Power movement publicized and legitimized a culture gap between Blacks and Whites that had previously been ignored and denigrated. More generally, in recognizing the legitimacy of another culture and challenging the idea of white cultural superiority, the Black Power movement paved the way for the celebration of multiculturalism in America today. The cultural concept of "soul" was fundamental to the image of African-American culture embodied by the Black Power movement. Soul, a type of "in-group cultural cachet. was closely tied to black America's need for individual and group self-identification. [58] A central expression of the "soulfulness" of the Black Power generation was a cultivation of aloofness and detachment, the creation of an "aura or emotional invulnerability. a persona that challenged their position of relative powerlessness in greater society. The nonverbal expressions of this attitude, including everything from posture to handshakes, were developed as a counterpoint to the rigid, up-tight" mannerisms of white people. Though the iconic symbol of black power, the arms raised with biceps flexed and clenched fists, is temporally specific, variants of the multitude of handshakes, or "giving and getting skin. in the 1960s and 1970s as a mark of communal solidarity continue to exist as a part of black culture. [59] Clothing style also became an expression of Black Power in the 1960s and 1970s. Though many of the popular trends of the movement remained confined to the decade, the movement redefined standards of beauty that were historically influenced by Whites and instead celebrated a natural "blackness. As Stokely Carmichael said in 1966, We have to stop being ashamed of being black. A broad nose, thick lip and nappy hair is us and we are going to call that beautiful whether they like it or not. 60] Natural" hair styles, such as the Afro, became a socially acceptable tribute to group unity and a highly visible celebration of black heritage. Though the same social messages may no longer consciously influence individual hair or clothing styles in today's society, the Black Power movement was influential in diversifying standards of beauty and aesthetic choices. The Black Power movement raised the idea of a black aesthetic that revealed the worth and beauty of all black people. [61] In developing a powerful identity from the most elemental aspects of African-American folk life, the Black Power movement generated attention to the concept of "soul food. a fresh, authentic, and natural style of cooking that originated in Africa. The flavor and solid nourishment of the food was credited with sustaining African Americans through centuries of oppression in America and became an important aid in nurturing contemporary racial pride. [62] Black Power advocates used the concept of "soul food" to further distinguish between white and black culture; though the basic elements of soul food were not specific to African-American food, Blacks believed in the distinctive quality, if not superiority, of foods prepared by Blacks. No longer racially specific, traditional "soul foods" such as yams, collard greens, and deep-fried chicken continue to hold a place in contemporary culinary life. African-American bookstores, also known as black bookstores, are bookstores owned and operated by African Americans. These stores often, although not always, specialize in works by and about African Americans and their target customers are often African Americans. Although they are a variety of African-American business, African American bookstores have often been closely tied to radical political movements including Marxism, Black Power, and first documented African-American bookstore was established by the abolitionist David Ruggles in 1834. [1] One of the earliest African-American bookstores to achieve national prominence was Lewis Michaux's National Memorial African Bookstore, which operated in Harlem from the early 1930s to the middle of the 1970s. Michaux's store doubled as a meeting place for black activists, including most famously Malcolm X. [2] The Black Power movement embraced black-owned bookstores in the 1960s and '70s as vehicles for promoting their ideology and creating radical political spaces in black communities across the United States. [3] By the 1990s, African-American bookstores earned significant attention from more politically moderate and business oriented media outlets such as the magazine Black Enterprise. [4] In the 2000s and 2010s, however, as independent bookstores of all kinds declined and bookstores chains and Amazon increasingly sold black-authored books, the number of African-American bookstores declined rapidly, dropping from over 250 to just over 70. [5] 6.

Welcome back to Days of Our Lives. The role of Clarence Thomas will now be played by Brett Kavanaugh. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words trailer. Thomas and Scalia were 2 of a kind and 2 of the best of all-time. I'm glad to see Justice Thomas hanging in there, being a voice for the conservative side. Sexual harassment or racism charges. Radical Democrats use the same playbook every time. Why? Because it works.

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Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words to eat.
Great movie... I enjoyed it.

Created equal clarence thomas in his own words release. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words locations. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words and pictures. Wow Justice Thomas was awesome here I just hope judge kavanaugh does as well defending himself. 1:44 minutes of more lies. What a disgrace. I just want to know who killed Jon Bennet Ramsie.

Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words youtube. Scalia was killed and the left thought theyd get his seat filled by A mouth breathing Communist. Instead they get a Conservative guy in his early 50s. Thanks for posting. One of the best movies I've seen in a while. Justice Thomas is one of my few heroes I too watched his confirmation, and was so angry at the transparent slander and attacks to which he was subjected. When I heard he was confirmed anyway, in spite of the lies, I literally (yes literally) jumped for joy: Let the heathen rage' he's IN! I didn't know then that they would be raging to this very day.

1 1 Posted by 3 months ago comment 100% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up Sort by no comments yet Be the first to share what you think! More posts from the ConservativeNewsWeb community Continue browsing in r/ConservativeNewsWeb r/ConservativeNewsWeb Welcome to r/ConservativeNewsWeb 590 Members 36 Online Created Dec 5, 2018 help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts Communities Top Posts Topics about careers press advertise blog Terms Content policy Privacy policy Mod policy Reddit Inc 2020. All rights reserved. Justice Thomas has more Integrity then the whole democrat party and it's members in the senate or congress combined. What a circus the democrats have become.

Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words without. Aren't these the people who have a tax payer funded budget to pay off people for sexual harassment allegations. 导演: Michael Pack 编剧: Michael Pack 类型: 纪录片 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2020-01-31(美国) 片长: 116分钟 IMDb链接: tt10256238 0 有用 [Deleted] 看过 2020-02-05 RBG的对立版本,具有类似的身份,却是对立的性别肤色甚至形象,可以观察如Clarence Thomas之寡言,影片中他却用极为清晰的表述回忆自祖父起黑人权利与个人的发展,政治立场的意味远高于个人的职业 你关注的人还没写过短评 Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words的话题. ( 全部 条) 什么是话题 无论是一部作品一个人,还是一件事,都往往可以衍生出许多不同的话题.将这些话题细分出来,分别进行讨论,会有更多收获. 我要写影评 Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words的影评. ( 全部 0 条) 豆瓣成员常用的标签. 以下豆列推荐 ( 全部) 订阅Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words的评论: feed: rss 2. 0.

They are still trying to make clarence look bad smh. I don't agree with all of ' beliefs but i still believe what they did to him 27 years ago was horrific. This is also another reason why im not a democrat or republican. I see Biden has a history of using a whole of words to say a whole lot nothing. It is seriously comical. MSN ! ? :. Sheriff D'Agostini, I write to you today because a law that your office administers is severely, grossly incompatible with the US constitution – specifically the 14th Amendment as prescribed by two US Supreme Court cases: Ward v. Maryland (1870) and Saenz v. Roe (1999. The short form: These cases bar state and local governments from discriminating against US citizens visiting from another state, on the basis of their being visitors from other states. As one example, California cannot put up road signs saying “65mph speed limit for cars with California plates, 55 if you have out-of-state plates”. Yet California (in conjunction with your agency) has created a system for CCW permits that effectively does this exact circumstance: it is possible for California residents to escape criminal charges for packing concealed personal artillery by way of a CCW permit, yet CCW permits from other states are not honored and worse, residents of other states are not allowed to apply for a California CCW. The two US Supreme Court cases I cited render this entire concept completely and utterly unconstitutional. This situation is an intolerable form of discrimination even if you dont apply to or refer to the 2nd Amendment in any way, shape or form – in other words, even under the pre-Heller view of the 9th Circuit that the 2nd Amendment was basically null and void, Ward and Saenz still act as a barrier to cross-border discrimination such as California is doing for their CCW program. My Situation: I am a long-haul trucker who occasionally visits California with my wife. I am aware that your agency doesnt hold to a strict view of the “good cause” concept in the California CCW rules, and I applaud your stance. You clearly are not corrupt or selling carry permits under the table as other California sheriffs have done. That said, I have absolutely superb “good cause” that I can document – basically, a pattern of repeated violent attacks against my wife who generally rides with me. Ill skip those details for now. When I enter California on my normal route, I come into El Dorado County first (via i80. I have a CCW permit from my home state (Alabama. My Requested Cure: I dont want to sue you – or rather, sue both yourself and the state. That would be annoying and costly for all concerned. Heres what Id like you to do instead for free or at least dirt cheap: first run this letter by whatever civil attorney is on retainer to the county – Im sure you have one available in some form. Or probably you have at least one close friend with a law degree. Let him or her do an initial sanity check on this letter youre reading right now. If they say something along the lines of “oh oh, its plausible” or the like, you have the power to demand a formal, legal opinion from the California Attorney Generals Office: – I am requesting that you formally pose the following question: “I am aware that a US citizen who is a resident of another US state cannot obtain a California CCW permit, and cannot legally carry a handgun in California using another states CCW permit. I would like to know if this is an unconstitutional form of discrimination against such a possible out-of-state visitor. Specifically, does the 14th Amendment “privileges or immunities” clause bar such discrimination? I have been told that such discrimination is generally barred by two previous US Supreme Court cases, Ward v. Maryland 79 U. S. 418 (1870) and Saenz v. Roe 526 U. 489 (1999. If the current set of rules barring all forms of gun carry for out-of-state US citizens is in fact a form of wrongful discrimination, what does that mean in terms of the applicability of possible criminal charges for US citizens visiting California while armed? Finally, if this discrimination is in fact unconstitutional, would the lack of a constitutional right to a CCW permit as currently described by the Peruta en banc decision render Californias no-CCW-for-visitors program constitutional, or is this discriminatory aspect of the current CCW system barred by the US Supreme Court in Ward and Saenz even with Peruta being good case law in the 9th Circuit? ” The Long Form – Whats Going On Here? The opening paragraph of the 14th Amendment reads as follows: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. ” There has long been controversy over what these words (penned by Ohio congressman John Bingham) mean. Yale law professor Akhil Reed Amar in his 1999 book “The Bill of Rights: Creation and Reconstruction” argues that the “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens” bit (also known as the PorI clause) should have a lot more meaning than it does today – it should be a massive limitation against civil rights abuses by state and local governments. Justice Clarence Thomas said the same thing in a partial dissent in Saenz which well get to – Justice Hugo Black also wrote in support of a stronger PorI clause in his famous dissent in Adamson (1947) – and did a better job of it than Thomas in Saenz. That said, without going into what the PorI clause "should" do, heres what actually happened in terms of case law applicable to Californias CCW discrimination: Ward v. Maryland was the first US Supreme Court case to discuss the 14thAmendment at all. Ward was a merchant from New Jersey doing business in Maryland. That latter state applied a heavier tax to merchants from out of state such as Mr. Ward. Ward didnt pay those extra taxes, fled the state and filed suit in federal court against Marylands attempt to prosecute him for tax evasion. Ward won. The Supreme Court said that the PorI clause acted as a barrier to cross-border discrimination generally, not just in the area of taxation. The Slaughterhouse Cases, 83 U. 36 (1872) was a notorious decision two years later that allowed a state to discriminate against its own citizens along economic (and probably corrupt) grounds, eliminating the PorI clause of the 14th as a barrier to in-state discrimination. This destroyed a lot of the functionality of the 14th for several generations, but with a key exception: instead of wiping the PorI clause out completely, that decision supports the previous holding in Ward (by name) and leaves the PorI clause as a barrier to cross-border discrimination only. The PorI clause never recovered from it's being gutted "in a Slaughterhouse. The US Supreme Court took the federal government out of the civil rights protection biz once and for all in US v. Cruikshank 92 U. 542 (1875) while freeing 60 murderers rounded up after the Colfax massacre. Cruikshank killed off an entire civil rights movement (more ambitious than anything Dr. King tried) while causing at least 4, 000 lynchings and numerous other civil rights violations. During the 20th century (right up to 2010s McDonald gun-related Supreme Court case) the US Supreme Court applied various pieces of the Bill of Rights as limits against state action via the idea of “selective due process” and in 1954 (Brown v. Board of Education) officially put the federal government back to protecting civil rights against violations by states against their own citizens. Professor Akhil Reed Amar says that the Supreme Court slowly turned the “due process clause” of the 14th almost into what the PorI clause should have been recognized as doing back in 1872 (in Slaughterhouse. In 1999 the PorI clause shambled back into public view once more from its near-dead state. Californias state-run welfare program at that time was set up to discriminate against US citizens who recently arrived from other states. If you came from a state like Mississippi for example where your monthly welfare check would be less than 300, California would only give you that much while giving a longer-term California resident double that or more. The Supreme Court threw out this discrimination just as they did in Ward, for basically identical reasons. Whats particularly interesting to our situation with CCW is that much like how a CCW permit is viewed in Peruta, access to welfare isnt any kind of basic civil right – at least under the Peruta ruling today. Clarence Thomas' Saenz dissent (joined by Rehnquist. said that the PorI clause was supposed to do a hell of a lot more but agreed that if it does nothing else, it blocks cross-border discrimination and supported the actual outcome of the Saenz v. Roe case. Sheriff D'Agostini, I am writing this letter because I think its obvious that even if you (or the California Attorney Generals office) see a CCW permit as “not any kind of civil right whatsoever” (a controversy Im not asking you to dig into herein. cross-border discrimination against visiting US citizens in any field is flat banned by the US Supreme Court, whether a basic civil right is affected or not. The Saenz case also proves conclusively that Ward is good case law to this day despite it's age. You are an independent constitutional officer who has sworn an oath to uphold and defend the constitution. That means, at a minimum, you are required to obey US Supreme Court rulings even if the state chooses not to. I am not at this time asking you to process my application for a CCW permit while giving you an Alabama address. You will be sued if you do and possibly criminally charged by the California DOJ. I do not want to put you in a position where youll be sued (by me) if you dont and by the state or God knows who if you do. Thats distinctly unfair. Im also not asking you to litigate this because that will cost your taxpayers money – also unfair. All I ask is that you use the power of your office to ask some key questions. I believe the answers you obtain (which will be publicly available from Cal-DOJ) will cause a rapid change in the CCW system to cover situations like mine. Thank you for your kind attention, Jim Simpson List of cases: – Ward – Slaughterhouse – Cruikshank – Saenz – an example of corruption in CCW handling, in case you think that isnt an issue. Im sure youre aware that just before Sheriff Baxter Dunn of San Joaquin County went to federal prison his co-conspirator in a real estate fraud scheme pulled a gun carried on a Dunn-issued permit on the FBI agents trying to arrest him? And youre also aware that the initial charges presented by a federal attorney against Sheriff Mike Carona of Orange County included the actual under-the-table costs for a CCW permit, in the four digit range (later dropped in the plea bargaining as it was bad PR for gun control) If you were of that sort (and thank the deity of your choice youre not) I would be suing instead of politely asking you to pose officially asked questions. PS: I married Dana Jill Simpson in 2013 and took her last name. I used to be “Jim March”. a name you possibly might know.

Justice Thomas is a wonderful example of perseverance amidst slander and attempted character assassination. Zero evidence existed supporting his accusers defamatory claims. Persist and the truth does prevail. He is indeed a genius with excellent view of life. God bless America. Film Review: �Created Equal: Clarence Thomas In His Own Words� Skip to comments. ^ 11/16/2019, Sarah Lee Posted on 11/16/2019 9:16:13 AM PST by rktman Theres a moment in the new Clarence Thomas documentary, “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words, ” following the harrowing confirmation hearing that saw the gentle man, loving husband, and legal genius from Pin Point, Ga., accused of sexual harassment and smeared as a lecherous monster, that sticks with you long after the 2-hour film ends. Its the look Thomas has on his face at his swearing-in ceremony. Hes not elated by the prospect of joining the Supreme Court. He looks tired and maybe more than a little concerned for his safety. And its an indictment of the people — one of the most prominent in the person of then-Senator Joe Biden who came across as something of a grand inquisitor — who put Thomas through what he called at the time a “high-tech lynching for uppity blacks. ” (Excerpt) Read more at... TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Culture/Society; Government; Philosophy KEYWORDS: createdequal; documentary; honorable; justicethomas; scotus So, does the AA community consider him a sell out? Pretty sad the way conservative African Americans are vilified by the left constantly. Basically, if you don't fall in line, you're scum. Read Justice Thomas' book 'My Grandfathers Son' years ago. Good read. At least for me it was. As for the hateful demo-commies, screw them. 1 posted on 11/16/2019 9:16:13 AM PST by rktman To: rktman The great Clarence Thomas, like so many cut from his cloth, are just not black enough for the race-baiting, poverty pimp pandering class. In their minds the world would be a much more hospitable place if he and his ilk would just kowtow to their single-minded dictates. 2 posted on 11/16/2019 9:40:12 AM PST by Spacetrucker (George Washington didn't use his freedom of speech to defeat the British - HE SHOT THEM... WITH GUNS) I was unemployed during the hearings and had the time to watch nearly all of them. Like Andrew Breightbart, the Clarence Thomas lynching greatly informed my conservatism and was responsible for my belief that active democrats are evil. Even more so now. PBS huh? Might have to lower my standards to watch it. 3 posted on 11/16/2019 9:55:16 AM PST by cyclotic (Democrats must be politically eviscerated, disemboweled and demolished. ) To: cyclotic Not sure if I have access to it. 4 posted on 11/16/2019 9:58:22 AM PST ( My2ndAmend. Enlisted in the Navy in '67 to protect folks rights to strip my rights. WTH? To: Spacetrucker Black enough? The only thing Jug Ears did was tell em to kill whitey. Real helpful. 5 posted on 11/16/2019 9:58:23 AM PST by rawcatslyentist ( All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" I wasnt going to let what little my family and I had cobbled together to be so wantonly smashed. My enemies wanted nothing more than for me to go quietly. I, on the other hand, owed it to my family and the memory of my grandparents and forebears not to self-destruct but to confront them with the truth. Justice Thomas is a brilliant and courageous man - a far better civil servant than most of us deserve. 6 posted on 11/16/2019 10:15:48 AM PST by NobleFree ( law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual" Biden distinguished himself as an enemy of decency during the Thomas confirmation process. I geared up reading that book 8 posted on 11/16/2019 11:54:28 AM PST by personalaccts (Is George W going to protect the border? To: personalaccts 👍🎬 9 posted on 11/16/2019 12:14:48 PM PST I cant say that Ive read more than a few of Clarence Thomas dissenting opinons. But of those Ive read, every one is a scholarly trip along the way of our Constitution and colonial history. May God Bless Clarence Thomas. May God damn to hell Leftist barbarians. 10 posted on 11/16/2019 1:38:20 PM PST by Jacquerie ( To: Jacquerie Amen. Meeting Clarence Thomas is on my bucket list. Was going to be Antonin Scalia and him but thats no longer an option. 11 posted on 11/16/2019 1:59:01 PM PST To: Fester Chugabrew “Biden distinguished himself as an enemy of decency during the Thomas confirmation process. He sure did — his filthy mind showed itself. Kerry was a part of that. Disclaimer: Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or its management. All materials posted herein are protected by copyright law and the exemption for fair use of copyrighted works. FreeRepublic, LLC, PO BOX 9771, FRESNO, CA 93794 is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson.

Created equal clarence thomas in his own words watch.

Created equal clarence thomas in his own words showtimes. Created equal 3a clarence thomas in his own words excel. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words documentary. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own wordstream. Created equal 3a clarence thomas in his own words design. Pauline Kael famously said she couldn't believe Nixon won because nobody she knew voted for him. Herein please find the viewpoint of the right. You should know this to know what you're up against. The key is to know your enemy. Too many educated elites are in a bubble and don't know what others think. Furthermore, very few of these people interact with regular folk, except for opinion writers in newspapers, they don't get the contrary feedback. But if you're online, like me, you get it each and every time you write something even vaguely political, that's why I knew Trump had a chance in 2016. You need to read these. Love you man, but you are missing a big point here, one you've written about many times. Re: Biden, yes he is toast and yes, he did nothing illegal. Repeat, nothing illegal. Neither did Hunter. BUT. it stinks. You know it. I know. The public knows it. The Chinese could invest 1. 5B with best investors in the world, Sequoia, Benchmark, you name it. They were all my competitors. They are without equal. But they invested in Hunters bullshit fund to curry favor with a possible, yet unlikely, President to be. Ditto, Clinton Foundation, Ditto Chelsea's first job at NBC. Nothing illegal, but simply our version of the Chinese Communist Party's sons and daughters, the Pricelings. who magically become multi millionaires because the Party Leaders dole out their largess to them and them alone. Hunter is our American Priceling. Nothing illegal. But very very bad judgment from Joe. Elites in both parties do it. Dems don't have a corner on this. The public is sick of it. Lori Loughlin adios. It's all the same. We can't wait to see her in an orange jump suit. What Hunter should do but cannot is stand up, show his investment record and say, this is why the Chinese invested in me. But he can't. They invested in him because of his last name. Come on man, you know this. All the best, buddy. Hope to see you sometime in LA. Sorry about typos or autocorrect. John Hummer This battle Bob is about the Constitution. Is it a Written in stone Constitution? yes) or a Living Constitution (No Constitution at all) It's also about the wealth of the country. When you work, is it your money or not? The Conservative says it's yours, you earned it. The Democrat says, no, it's not yours. It's unfair you have it, so we're gonna force some of it from you (51% force against the 49% I have trouble understanding how you can vote for force against your neighbor the way you do. I also wonder how you can believe some bureaucrat knows better than you how to allocate the wealth you produce? Lastly, you can always write a check to do all those things you believe are right. No one's stopping you from handing over 70% of what you earn ya know? You don't have to force anyone else. You do it. Rich Case Why can't you be fair & balanced plus deal with facts? Or stick to why we all love Arts? Thank-you. Michael K. Clifford VentureCatalyst "guilty of something" His son received billions of dollars from foreign governments only while he was VP. There was an entire expose published by the Hill called "Biden Money" three years ago exposing his questionable finances from foreign sources. And he had a quid pro quo arrangement with Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating the company his son was on the board of (ON VIDEO. This is highly specific stuff and more than "guilty of something" your cribbing the Democrats when the said "some people did something" on 9/11 Russ Motta So, Bob, you think that impeachment - or whatever the Hell Pelosi is doing without a formal vote of the House - is about a straight nullification of the 2016 election. No "high crime or misdemeanor" no problem. We won the House so we can Impeach. It is difficult to fathom how dumb this view is. But at least you are passionate about it and that has to count for something. Trump is going to win so big his big old orange head will explode. Cheers, Jay Currie Trump 2020 Haley 2024 The Nation will be back on track. Clarence Jay Lefty sore loser of 2016. If Dems thought theyd win 2020 they wouldnt try to impeach the President of the USA now and let the election play out. James Davis If Eric Trump went on Air Force One with Donald and came back with a Board seat on some company in Korea you would have a fit. But Bidens done nothing wrong Balrama Balrama Trump landslide 2020. The Democrats are a mess. I was one for 30 years. Never again. Thanks Thomas Ryan ask yourself one simple question: if it was don trump jr with the same deal as hunter biden if he had traveled to ukraine and russia on air force one with his father to secure these deals. would the LEFT have their hair on fire? Ira Transport Change the narrative to "Democrat" and you can write the same story. Except the majority of all types of media are onboard with them, not just a few sites. smh. Craig Nickman "And at least Warren said that nobody likes their health insurance company. A truism we all know. Another truism we all know: whatever the government does, it will always do it worse than the private sector. Cheers! Steve Hurlburt If you stopped right here, you'd finally be correct, Watch news from something other than what you watch. You're not getting the whole story. You never do. You just dont. John Warden The United States is a REPUBLIC, not a democracy. The two political parties are the Republicans and the Democrats. The REPUBLICAN party and the DEMOCRAT party. NOT the "Democratic" party. Bob Askey Bob, you blame 'politics' but really your party betrayed you and the rest of America a long time ago. Wake up! Ax Hayssen Everything you say is probably true. However, it must be acknowledged that everywhere that the democrats have total control, California, Chicago, NYC. etc. all have major, major problems the rest of the country does not have. I live in LA, as you do, we don't need to go into these issues. People in the rest of the country see these problems and say "Hell no, I don't want the democrats in charge. They have a point. Regards Thaddeus Graham Bob, Thanks for the always. I'm voting (again) for Trump in 2020 because his administration is making progress in many areas, despite the stalling in Congress. This administration is serving "us" while doing what we asked (before we knew how bad it really was. clean up the government. And when both sides realize that once the stink on the Hill is at least under some control, perhaps both sides can actually work together again. It's so simple, yet seems impossible sides have ideas worthy of consideration. However, you can't hear another's story or idea when all you do is receive and vomit the morning talking points, created by a group of out-of-touch, greedy, narcissistic, and sophomaniac fucks. While I'd like to say "we are the government and via the elections, we employ those to serve us and the country. I cannot with a straight face. However, this administration is as close to what the Founding Fathers had in mind. Perhaps after a few drinks, but close. I have to remind myself that those on either side are not all geniuses. Hardly any in fact! And for those who are, that doesn't qualify them to not represent who got them to the dance. Nor does it provide in any way, shape or form, a right to be an outright, disrespectful, idiot that in the real world would fail or be ostrasized. Or at the very least, made to spend his/her career as CNN's White House side the current genius. Thanks again Bob. I hope this article goes viral. Bill in Indy When the Democratic party starts respecting our constitution, which has laws we agreed to, then people will take the party more seriously. Taxes - the dems have consistently raised taxes, with little regard to budgets. Its embarrassing to watch Pelosi talk about ANYTHING other than taking care of her district, that 'elected' her; yet she has failed them. Homeless people crapping on public streets, in front of businesses, and she is going to talk about problems. Does she just drive past that and pretend it doesnt exist? Shell proudly fight for illegal immigration, yet ignore her own people? And that is really the microcosm of the problem. When Obama was in office, it just fine to stand up to our immigration laws, but when it comes from big bad Trump, its racist? The democratic partys double standard and proof of lack of actual progress is starting to catch up with them. People are getting tired of excuses and nice speeches with little progress. Democrats are more focused on finding ANYTHING to impeach Trump, that they are unfocused on doing the job they were "elected" to do; which is serve the people. In fact, if they are such a stand-up group of people, why are they not for term-limits? While both parties are lacking efficiency and focus; the democratic party is so far out there, that they really are disconnected from America. They dont even realize that many of the speeches they give are speaking to the wrong group of people. Just look at Illinois, where the democratic taxes are driving people out of the state to move out. Or Chicago, a democratic controlled city that is a war zone. There is even a analytical website built on the daily crime in Chicago: But the dems want to tell you its all about gun control. Never mind judicial responsibility and accountability. Neverminf addressing mental health. Never mind standing up for the police. Never mind the HUGE debt. They want to spend 500 million on a Obama library and focus on great drawings. Never mind focusing on REAL problems. Its kind of like Hollywood, the rich and famous drive past the highest level of homeless people on the streets, then arrive the award show to posture themselves and their egos; and then say 'we need more equality. Really. And then they blame Trump for that? The word is seeing thru the bullshit. See the ratings? See who won the presidency? Hows the ratings for CNN doing? See the attendance at Trump rallys? I dons recall a single democratic candidate say "America first" I hear it from Trump all the time. And as much of a jackass of the mouth/twitter he is, I can see many positive things he has accomplished. Think about all the time and money we (the tax payers of costs they spend) have lost for investigations, hearings, trials, speeches, interviews, stories and social media/media on things that are UNFOCUSED at our needs. I will not be surprised to see Trump win again in 2020. And I would say its more because of the behavior of the democratic party than the positive accomplishments Trump achieves. If I was a democratic candidate, I wouldnt even bring Trump into my pitch to gain votes. I would focus on solutions to AMERICAN problems. The debates next year will be the best drama TV the world has ever seen. I bet ratings will be higher than the Super Bowl. Richard Hofherr.

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Created equal 3a clarence thomas in his own words cut off

Least competent and original thinker ever to sit on the bench. Childhood poverty may have destroyed a lot of cognitive development, but more importantly, he completely turned his back on his shared humanity after being a beneficiary of progressive affirmative action. Go ahead Clarence. have a good cry bemoaning the fact the oligarchs you serve still see the color of your skin and will never let you into their clubs. Go to Article If you watch “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words” looking for a clue as to Thomas inner workings, a key to who Clarence Thomas really is, then youll have to wait a while before it arrives. But it does. The reason it takes so long is that Thomas, dressed in a red tie, …] Comment on this Article Via Your Facebook Account Comment on this Article Via Your Disqus Account.

Loved it xx. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words pbs. Created equal 3a clarence thomas in his own words html. Created equal 3a clarence thomas in his own words list. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words release date. The way this trailer was cut makes it look like you are advocating for female Catholic priests, although I know this cant be so. 3114 BC Date Maya/Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar starts dating from (as corresponds to the Julian Calendar. 394 Battle of Frigidus in Northern Italy: forces of Eastern Roman Emperor Theodosius I defeat those of Western Emperor Eugenius 1492 Christopher Columbus ' fleet leaves Gomera, Canary islands 1522 Ferdinand Magellan 's Spanish expedition aboard the Vitoria returns to Spain without their captain. First to circumnavigate the earth. 1543 French & Turkish fleet occupies Nice 1620 The Mayflower departs Plymouth, England with 102 Pilgrims and about 30 crew for the New World 1622 Spanish silver fleet disappears off Florida Keys; 1, 000s die 1628 Puritans from Masschusetts Bay Colony land at Salem 1634 Battle at Nordlingen ends in Swedish/protestant German defeat 1642 English Long Parliament issues Ordinance ordering closure of London theatres including the Globe theatre, once part-owned by William Shakespeare 1651 King Charles II of England spends a day hiding in an oak tree during his escape after losing the Battle of Worcester 1666 After St Paul's Cathedral and much of the city had been burned down over four days, the Great Fire of London is finally extinguished. 1669 The siege of Candia ends with the Venetian fortress surrendering to the Ottomans. 1672 Willem III's troops reconquer Naarden from France 1675 Swedish admiral Stenbock sails out with fleet of 66 ships 1683 Le Plecta appointed French minister of Finance 1688 Austrian armies occupy Belgrade 1690 King Wiliam III escapes back to England 1715 Pro-James III-uprising in Scotland 1716 1st lighthouse built in north America (Boston) 1732 VOC dismisses Dutch east indies governor-general Diederik Dare 1776 Hurricane hits Martinique; 100 French and Dutch ships sink; 600 die 1776 1st (failed) submarine attack: David Bushnell's "Turtle" attacks British sailboat "Eagle" in Bay of NY 1776 Hurricane hits Guadeloupe, killing more than 6, 000. 1781 The Battle of Groton Heights takes place, resulting a British victory. 1791 Mozart 's opera "La Clemenza di Tito" premieres in Prague 1819 Thomas Blanchard patents lathe 1837 Oberlin Collegiate Institute of Ohio goes co-ed (4 women, 30 men) 1839 Cherokee Nation unites and ratifies constitution at Tahlequah, Oklahoma 1839 Great fire in New York 1848 National Black Convention meets in Cleveland 1861 General Ulysses S. Grant occupies Paducah, Kentucky 1862 Stonewall Jackson occupies Frederick, Maryland 1863 -7] After 59 day siege Confederate troops vacate Fort Wagner SC (1700 casualties) 1866 Frederick Douglass is 1st US black delegate to a national convention 1869 1st westbound train arrives in San Francisco 1869 Mine fire kills 110 at Avondale, Pennsylvania 1870 Ship sinks in Gulf of Biscay; 483 die 1873 Regular Cable Car service begins on Clay Street, San Francisco 1876 Race riot in Charleston, South Carolina 1876 Southern Pacific line from Los Angeles to San Francisco completed 1880 Commencement of 1st Test Cricket in England, v Australia at The Oval 1880 W. G. Grace scores 152 in debut Test Cricket innings, v Aust The Oval 1883 Cub's Burns (extra bases) Williamson & Pfeiffer get 3 hits in 1 inn 1885 Eastern Rumelia declares its union with Bulgaria. The Unification of Bulgaria is accomplished. 1886 Queen Victoria establishes Distinguished Service Order (DSO) 1888 Queen Victoria grants William Mackinnon's Imperial British East Africa Company political & commercial rights 1888 Charles Turner becomes the first bowler to take 250 wickets in an English season - a feat since accomplished only by Tom Richardson (twice) J. T. Hearne, Wilfred Rhodes (twice) and Tich Freeman (six times. 1889 King Kabaka Mwanga of Buganda resigns 1898 Lord Kitchener destroys Mahdi's tomb in Omdurman 1899 Carnation processes its first can of evaporated milk 1899 US minister of Foreign affairs John Hay publishes his "Open Through Note" 1900 British General Buller occupies Lydenburg, South Africa 1901 US President William McKinley is shot by Leon Czolgosz, an anarchist, while visiting the Pan-American Exposition in New York 1904 Soccer team Rheden forms 1905 Atlanta Life Insurance Company forms 1905 Chicago White Sox Frank Smith no-hits Detroit Tigers, 15-0 1905 General Trade journal publishes 1st Dutch photo (train accident) 1909 Word received that American explorer Robert Peary had discovered the North Pole, 5 months earlier 1910 Saskatchewan (then Regina) Roughrider football club formed 1912 NY Giant Jeff Tesreau no-hits Philadelphia, 3-0 1913 19th US Golf Amateur Championship won by Jerry Travers 1913 1st aircraft to loop the loop - Adolphe Pégoud in France 1913 Hamilton Alerts apply for ORFU reinstatement, taking the name Hamilton Rowing Club 1914 World War I: First Battle of the Marne begins, French and British forces prevent German advance on Paris (till the 12th Sept) 1916 1st true supermarket, the "Piggly Wiggly" is opened by Clarence Saunders in Memphis, Tennessee 1917 French pilot Georges Guynemer shoots down 54th German aircraft 1920 Jack Dempsey KOs Billy Miske in 3 for heavyweight boxing title 1st radio broadcast of a prizefight 1920 US National Championship Men's Tennis, Forest Hills NY: Bill Tilden wins first of 6 straight US singles titles; beats Bill Johnston 6-1, 1-6, 7-5, 5-7, 6-3 1923 Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands celebrates her silver jubilee 1924 Assassination attempt on Benito Mussolini fails 1924 Charles Paddock captures 100 & 200 yd AAU national senior outdoor track & field championships 1927 Buddy DeSylva & Lew Brown's musical "Good News" premieres in NYC 1927 Red Sox beat NY Yankees 12-11 in 18 innings at Fenway Park 1928 USSR signs Briand- Kellogg -pact 1930 Brooklyn Dodgers beat Phillies 22-8 1930 Democratically elected Argentine president Hipólito Yrigoyen is deposed in a military coup. 1935 "Steamboat Round the Bend" film directed by John Ford and starring Will Rogers released weeks after Rogers' death 1937 Spanish Civil War: The start of the Battle of El Mazuco 1938 Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands celebrates 40th anniversary 1939 1st German air attack on Great Britain in WW II 1939 South Africa declares war on Nazi-Germany 1939 World War II: The Battle of Barking Creek. 1940 Crown prince Michael succeeds Carol II as king of Romania 1940 Generalissimo Gamelin arrested in France 1941 All Jews over age 6 in German territories ordered to wear a star 1941 Jews of Vilna Poland confined to their ghetto 1942 Czech marathon runner Oskar Hêks transported to Auschwitz-Birkenau 1943 "Congressional Limited" train derails near Frankfort, Philadelphia, kills 79 1943 Carl Scheib becomes youngest pitcher in American League history at 16years, 8 months 1943 US National Championship Men's Tennis, Forest Hills, NY: Joe Hunt beats fellow American Jack Kramer 6-3, 6-8, 10-8, 6-0 for his lone major title 1943 US National Championship Women's Tennis, Forest Hills, NY: American Pauline Betz successfully defends title; beats Louise Brough Clapp 6-3, 5-7, 6-3 1944 Gen Von Zangen's 15th army escape from Zealand 1945 A's catcher Greek George punches umpire Joe Rue gets suspended 1946 Terence Rattigan's "The Winslow Boy" premieres in London 1946 All-America Football Conference begins regular season play as the Cleveland Browns beat the Miami Seahawks 44-0 before 60, 135 at Cleveland's Municipal Stadium 1948 "Mr Strauss Goes to Boston" opens at Century Theater NYC for 12 performances 1948 37th Davis Cup: USA beats Australia in New York (5-0) 1948 Juliana crowned Queen of The Netherlands 1949 Howard Unruh kills 13 neighbors in 12 minutes in Camden, New Jersey 1952 Canadian TV begins in Montreal 1953 Konrad Adenauer 's CDU wins elections in German Federal Republic 1953 Roy Campanella sets record for HRs by a catcher at 38 1954 US plane shot down above Siberia 1954 WINS NYC begins playing rock n roll with Alan Freed Show 1954 Yankees use a record 10 pinch hitters 1954 "La Strada" directed by Federico Fellini premieres at the Venice Film Festival starring Anthony Quinn 1954 US National Championship Men's Tennis, Forest Hills, NY: Vic Seixas beats Australian Rex Hartwig 3-6, 6-2, 6-4, 6-4 for his second and final major singles title 1954 US National Championship Women's Tennis, Forest Hills, NY: Doris Hart beats Louise Brough Clapp 6-8, 6-1, 8-6 for the first of her 2 US singles titles 1955 "Catch a Star" opens at Plymouth Theater NYC for 23 performances 1955 J van Tilburg appointed governor of Suriname 1957 Elvis records "White Christmas. Silent Night. Here Comes Santa Claus" 1958 Mary Ann Mobley (Miss) 21, crowned 31st Miss America 1959 1958 US performs nuclear test at S Atlantic Ocean 1960 Australian middle distance runner Herb Elliott breaks his own world record in winning the 1, 500m at the Rome Olympics in 3:35. 6 1960 American Otis Davis runs a world record 44. 9 to win the gold medal in the 400m at the Rome Olympics; German Carl Kaufmann records same time but ruled second via photo finish 1960 In a famous victory American decathlete Rafer Johnson scores Olympic record 8, 392 points to win the gold medal in Rome; beats rival & friend C. K. Yang of China by 58 points 1961 USSR performs nuclear test at Kapustin Yar USSR 1962 US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site 1963 Historian Lee Allen says Indians-Senators game is 100, 000th in Major League baseball history 1963 Jerry Lee Lewis quits Sun Records 1963 The Centre for International Industrial Property Studies (CEIPI) is founded. 1965 India invades West Pakistan - official beginning of the Indo-Pakistani War 1965 KLNE TV channel 3 in Lexington, NB (PBS) begins broadcasting 1966 Race riot in Atlanta, Georgia 1968 Eric Clapton records guitar tracks for George Harrison 's "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" 1968 Swaziland gains independence from Britain (National Day) 1969 "Cabaret" closes at Broadhurst Theater NYC after 1166 performances 1969 TV sitcom "The Brady Bunch " created by Sherwood Schwartz premieres on ABC in the US 1970 Palestinians seize 3 airliners 1970 USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR 1971 Jerry Lewis ' 6th Muscular Dystrophy telethon raises 8, 125, 387 1971 British Prime Minister Edward Heath meets with Irish Prime Minister/Taoiseach Jack Lynch at Chequers in England to discuss the situation in Northern Ireland 1971 William Craig and Ian Paisley speak at a rally in Belfast before a crowd of approximately 20, 000 people and call for the establishment of a 'third force' to defend 'Ulster' 1972 Summer Olympics resume in Munich, Germany after massacre of 11 Israeli athletes by Black September Palestinian terrorist organisation 1973 New York Times reports almost all Superfectas run at Yonkers, Roosevelt & Monticello from Jan-Mar of 1973 were fixed 1974 Saudi Arabia increases its oil buy-back price from 93 percent to 94. 9 percent of posted price 1975 6. 8 quake along Anatolian Fault kills over 2, 000 in Lice, Turkey 1975 Tawny Elaine Godin (NY) 18, crowned 48th Miss America 1976 1975 Czech tennis star Martina Navratilova asks for US political asylum in New York City during the US Open 1975 US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site 1976 Jerry Lewis ' 11th Muscular Dystrophy telethon, Dean Martin appears 1976 Russian pilot Belenko defects to Japan in a Mig 25 jet 1977 Angels acquire Dave Kingman from Padres for cash, 9 days later Yankees buy Kingman (started with Mets) who plays in all 4 divisions in 1977 1978 USSR performs underground nuclear test 1979 "Peter Pan" opens at Lunt-Fontanne Theater NYC for 578 performances 1980 French runner Chantal Langlacé sets women's 100k world record (7h 27m 22s) in Amiens, France 1980 US College football longest losing streak of 50 games ends for Macalester College (St. Paul) 1980 Susan Powell (Okla) 21, crowned 53rd Miss America 1981 1980 Macalaster U of St Paul, Minn beating Mount Senario 17-14 1980 US Open Women's Tennis: In the centenary women's singles final, Chris Evert -Lloyd wins her 5th US title; beats Hana Mandlíková 5-7, 6-1, 6-1 1981 Musical "They're Playing Our Song" closes at Imperial NYC after 1082 performances 1981 Robert Granville "Bob" Lemon named NY Yankee manager for 2nd time 1982 Dutch Internal minister Mr M Red assigns BVD to spy on communists 1982 Jerry Lewis ' 17th Muscular Dystrophy telethon raises 28, 400, 000 1982 Paul McCartney releases "Tug of War" 1982 Pittsburgh Pirates retire Willie Stargell's #8 1982 Polish dissidents seize Polish Embassy in Bern, Switzerland 1983 Soviet Union admits that it shot down the South Korean airliner KAL 007 on September 1st 1984 Lanford Wilson's "Balm in Gilead" premieres in NYC 1984 Today Show begins live remote telecasts from Moscow 1984 "Amadeus" from the play by Peter Shaffer, directed by Milos Forman and starring Tom Hulce premieres in Los Angeles (Academy Awards Best Picture 1985) 1985 Midwest Express Airlines Flight 105, a Douglas DC-9 crashes just after takeoff from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, killing 31. 1985 Mark Messier loses control of his Porsche and totals three cars, and would later be charged with hit and run and careless driving (he would pay a fine) 1986 Attack on synagogue in Istanbul, 23 killed 1986 Jozef Pribilinec speed walking world record time (15, 447k) 1986 Michael Spinks TKOs Steffen Tangstad in 4 for heavyweight boxing title 1986 USSR charges correspondent Nicholas Daniloff with spying 1986 US Open Women's Tennis: Martina Navratilova wins her 3rd US singles title; beats Czech star Helena Suková 6-3, 6-2 1987 Conjoined twins Benjamin & Patrick Binder separated at John Hopkins Hospital 1987 Douglas Wakiihuri wins marathon (2:11:48) 1987 Saskatchewan's Dave Ridgway kicks a CFL-record 60-yard field goal 1988 Crippled soviet Soyuz TM-5 lands safely with 2 cosmonauts aboard 1988 Thomas Gregory (11) swims English Channel 1988 USSR performs underground nuclear test 1989 6th MTV Video Music Awards: Living Colour wins 1989 Amateur Athletic Fed strips Ben Johnson of all track records 1989 Police computer accuses 41, 000 Parisians of murder/prostitution 1990 7th MTV Video Music Awards: Sinead O'Connor wins 1990 US citizen is shot in Kuwait; oil markets surge on aggressive US statements toward Iraq 1991 33rd Walker Cup: US, 14-10 1991 Ronald Venetiaan chosen president of Suriname 1991 USSR recognizes the independence of the 3 Baltic republics (Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania) 1991 The name Saint Petersburg is restored to Russia's second largest city, which had been renamed Leningrad in 1924. 1992 Noureddine Morceli runs world record 1500m (3:28. 86) 1993 Jerry Lewis ' 28th Muscular Dystrophy telethon raises 46, 014, 922 1994 Actor Jackson Pinckney awarded 487, 000 for being partially blinded by Jean-Claude Van Damme during filming of "Cyborg" 1995 Cal Ripken Jr breaks Gehrig's record, plays in 2, 131 straight games 1995 Senate Ethics committee votes 6-0 to ask for expulsion of Bob Packwood 1996 Baltimore Orioles' Eddie Murray 's 500th career HR 1997 Funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales held at Westminster Abbey in London 2008 US Open Women's Tennis: Serena Williams wins her third US title; beats Jelena Janković of Serbia 6-4, 7-5 2009 Canadian Open Women's Golf, Priddis Greens GC: Suzann Pettersen of Norway wins by 5 strokes from a group of 5 players 2012 61 illegal immigrants die after a fishing boat capsizes off the coast of Turkey 2012 Barack Obama accepts the Democratic nomination for US President 2013 20 people are killed by Islamist militants in villages in northeast Nigeria 2015 German police confirm more than 13, 000 refugees have arrived in Southern Germany in last 2 days fleeing conflicts in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan 2016 Minnesota man Danny Heinrich admits to kidnapping and murdering 11-year-old Jacob Wetterling on October 22, 1989 2017 Hurricane Irma makes landfall on Caribbean islands of Barbuda, Sint Maartens and British Virgin Islands. Prime Minister Gaston Browne reports 95% of buildings in Barbuda damaged. 2017 Catalonia's parliament passes law to allow referendum on independence from Spain 2018 World Surf League announces from 2019 there would be equal prize money for men and women across elite tour events; first US-based global sports league with gender pay parity 2018 India's Supreme Court legalizes gay sex, overturning a colonial law 2018 New York and New Jersey state attorneys launch investigations into sexual abuse by the Catholic clergy, bring to six the number of states investigating 2018 Brazilian presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro is stabbed at a campaign rally in Juiz de Fora, Brazil 2018 Remains of 166 people, 2 years old, found in mass grave in Veracruz state, Mexico.

Watching the Kavanaugh hearing and witnessing Justice Thomas hearing you can clearly see the Demonic Dems recycling their smear tactics. What a great American he is. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words. Created equal 3a clarence thomas in his own words with friends. Last week I won the Hamilton lottery and received two 10 front row tickets to see the hottest show in town. A male friend accompanied me. We are both politics and theater aficionados. We delight in innovative, risk taking art and diverse cultural perspectives. We both have graduate degrees in politics and have traveled extensively throughout the world. For ten years, I was the Artistic Director of an ethnic dance company (we were once invited to perform on Chinese National television at the Beijing International Cultural Festival featuring top dance companies from around the world. So, I've seen a lot of theater. We were thrilled at the chance to see a highly acclaimed production that tells the story of Americas founding through a new lens. We intentionally did not listen to any of the music before seeing the show (we wanted to see the stage production as a whole with a clean slate in our minds) but we knew the music was rooted in hip hop. Once the show started, it quickly went downhill. Checking in with each other at the intermission, we both had the same take on the show, finding it horribly regressive. (Please bear with the length of what follows. Theres a lot to unpack here. Lines from the show are in quotes. WHATS PROGRESSIVE AND INNOVATIVE ABOUT HAMILTON So, why is this show being lauded as progressive? As far as we could tell, for three reasons: Its a musical with a rap libretto. Thats new. Thats innovative. And, yes, Lin-Manuel Miranda is a highly talented writer and wordsmith. People are hailing the idea of taking a roots African-American art form (rap) to the Broadway musical stage genre. And I agree. Kudos on that. It race flips historical characters (black actors playing white historical figures. This produces two desirable effects. It creates an ethnically diverse cast (giving an opportunity for people of color to have greater opportunities in theater) and it calls attention to the contradictions and hypocrisies of the historical figures. It puts race on the table, so to speak. Again, agreed. More kudos. And the fact that Hamilton was the “young, scrappy and hungry” “bastard son of a whore” "immigrant" who rises to be a Founder of a new nation by his wits and hard work is emphasized—they keep saying it throughout the musical. But I couldnt help thinking that if that bastard child of a whore was black, female or Native, their chances of social climbing in America in 1776 would have been nil, no matter how brilliant or hard working they were. In other words, Hamilton owes much of his success to his racial and gender cultural entitlement, a meta analysis that might have been considered important to point out in a musical claiming to be a “revolution. ” WHATS REGRESSIVE AND CLICHE ABOUT HAMILTON However, heres where the progress ends. As my friend said to me after the show, “That was the most gender regressive musical Ive ever seen. That was one step forward for hypermasculine men of color, and ten steps backwards for normalizing regressive gender and sexuality tropes. ” Much of hip hop culture is steeped in African-American hypermasculine norms. Dont take my word for it, ask Byron Hurt a black male life long hip hop fan who did an entire documentary on it titled "Hip-Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes. Hamilton dresses up hypermasculinity and female enabling under the guise of being racially progressive. Yes, folks, its not just white male Americans in 1776 that can be hypermasculine…black men can do it, too—in 2016! THE MEN OF HAMILTON Men are “studs” and "tomcats. The women who love them want to be part of their “harem, ” just to have a piece of them. Bros fight duels because somebody attacked their honor. Our hero leaves his wife and eight children homeless in debt when he dies (oh, right, they kinda played down that part of Hamilton's bio. Women are interchangeable props. When Burr tells Hamilton if he "could marry a (Schuyler) sister, you're rich son. Hamilton replies, is it a question of which one. Miranda has written that this scene is an example of Hamilton's "peak cockiness. But he doesn't really make it clear that that's a bad thing. Because, you know, boys will be boys and stuff. And women sure do dig it! That's why this story resonates so well today—men and women are still drinking that hypermasculine koolaid normalized in much of popular hip hop music by male artists. As Miranda himself writes of A. Ham in “Hamilton: The Revolution, ” “friend or foe, they are in awe of him. ” And all this hypermasculine posturing is ok, I guess, because sometimes the men cry or realize they messed up. This is a tired old narrative device. Let's entertain the audience for a couple of hours with bravado and bluster, battles and bad choices and then have the protagonist do a penitent reversal as if to say, don't try this at home, folks. And just because a man cries doesnt mean he isnt hypermasculine. There are many cultures in which machismo and histrionics go hand in hand. I'm embarrassed that people's bar is so low for what they think makes a male character human. We ask so little of our stories. We should ask for heroes with a true moral compass like Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird (a character written by Harper Lee, a woman) not social climbers like Alexander Hamilton, who traded slaves and left his family destitute because he fought in a duel for repeatedly insulting someone (what really happened) and who actually welcomed the idea of a war because it would give a bastard son of a whore a chance to personally advance himself in society. That doesn't sound to me like either an admirable character or one that ever had a great awakening about his own troubling flaws and contradictions. THE WOMEN OF HAMILTON The all too predictable scenes of the men with their women read like a mans fantasy idea of what he thinks women think and feel about men, not womens actual lives written from the perspective of women themselves. The portrayal of women in Hamilton tells us more about how men see women than how women see themselves. Or it tells us how women internalize seeing themselves through the eyes of men. The musical doesn't even clearly pass The Bechdel Test, an extremely low bar for how to present female characters as more that just props for men's stories. Miranda writes in "Hamilton: The Revolution" that one of his goals in writing "The Schuyler Sisters" was to evoke the idea that "sex is in the air. According to Burr, the sisters rich "Daddy" doesn't even know that the sisters "sneak into the city just to watch all the guys at work. The song refers to the sisters 1) looking for a man (the men say of Angelica that "she's lookin' for me" as she openly flirts with the men on stage) 2) talking to a man (Thomas Jefferson) about including women in the Constitution and 3) it's really not a back and forth conversation between the women. It's more of a celebration of looking for a man with a great mind in a great city. And in 2 1/2 hours, that's the only time the show even comes close to passing the Bechdel Test. One verse. In one song. That kinda maybe sorta passes the test. That's how much progress women have made since men kept them out of the Constitution in 1776. Now women get one verse that's not them obsessing about the men in their lives. The one token "feminist" line in the whole show about including women "in the sequel" to "all men are created equal" isn't even historically accurate. Progressive women of the time (like Abigail Adams) expressed their dissatisfaction with excluding women's rights in the revolutionary democratic new government before the Constitution was written. They weren't asking for some future favor. And the men flat out refused. So, no, Hamilton is not just portraying women "as they were at that time. Angelica asking to be included in "the sequel" is Miranda making a female character less progressive than the women of that time who spoke out for citizenship in the new nation. Those revolutionary women were hip to the men's hypocrisy. But thats ok, because even though for 2 1/2 hours these actual female historical figures of intelligence, courage, fortitude and public service were thrown under the bus of history for the sake of creating tropey narrative obstacles for our male heroes and trite cliche “emotional” scenes, there was a total of one really super duper badass feminist line in the whole show about including women in the Constitution, so that makes it all better. And at the end, Eliza Hamilton gets to cram fifty years of her amazing life into a song lasting a few minutes. And her biggest accomplishment? That she told her husband's story. So, 3 minutes of putting “gender” on the table takes care of “The Ladies” (as they kept referring to them) and forgives the other 2 hours and 27 minutes of women fluffing Alexanders heroic journey, when they arent trying to thwart his destiny. And there is one woman in Hamilton's life that doesn't even get a name. Rachel Faucette Buck, Alexander's mother. Although the musical continually refers to her as a "whore. I could find no historical evidence that Rachel was a sex worker at any time in her life. She was coerced into marriage at age 16 by her family to a much older abusive man who literally put her in jail when she challenged his authority. Once out of jail, she escaped to another island, where she met A. Ham's father- a man who eventually abandoned Rachel and her sons. Rachel (by all accounts courageous, intelligent, resourceful and beautiful) started her own successful business before prematurely dying, after which her husband made sure she did not inherit the portion of her family's fortune that was given to him when they married. So, Rachel was only a "whore" in the eyes of the people who felt that a woman escaping her own marital abuse and making a life for herself was a fallen woman. Hamilton, The Musical perpetuates that character smear by continually referring to her as a "whore. HOW HAMILTON PORTRAYS SEX AND ROMANCE I lost count of all the rape culture normalizing language in the show ( deflowering" all the "ladies. Really. One of the women's songs is titled “Helpless, ” which is, I guess, what women are once they set eyes on their dream man. We revisit the helpless theme later, when a married Hamilton can't resist a woman “lying there” with her “legs spread” looking “helpless. ” Apparently, that's a real turn on, according to Alexander Hamilton, that he “just doesnt know how to say no to. ” Im not making that up. Those lines are actually in the show. Poor Hamilton, the victim of a scheming blackmailing femme fatale taking advantage of a mans inherent inability to control his lust around a womans helplessness. Whats a tomcat stud to do? The musical implies that Hamilton's flaw is not having the discipline to resist exploiting a woman's helplessness. How about pointing out that his real flaw is being turned on by a woman's helplessness in the first place? Or making the point that real male heroes haven't internalized the rape culture idea that being helpless makes a women sexy? Blaming a woman's scheming for an affair that lasted one year doesn't "clear your name. it exposes your willingness to throw your wife and mistress to the wolves if you think it will save your political career. The female characters (when you saw them) were hot messes mostly obsessing about sex, romance, keeping their man, or keeping him in line. For Eliza Hamilton, it “would be enough” for her for Alexander to “come home at the end of the day. ” Her sister, Angelica, is thankful to even have Alexanders “eyes in her life, ” if she cant actually have her sisters flirtatious philandering condescending husband. What a catch. But again, poor Hamilton! Besieged by all these scheming women, like that clingy Angelica who “tried to take a bite” out of him. Bishes so cray. In her song "Satisfied. Angelica laments that she just won't be "satisfied" without that mentally stimulating man, Alexander Hamilton, in her life. Whats Angelica's narrative obstacle? She's too rich to marry the man she loves. Yes, you heard that. Her economic privilege that is standing between her and her man is evidence of her lack of privilege. Her money is her problem. Not her gender. Or her lack of basic human rights. What's a poor little rich (white) girl to do? Guess, she'll just have to settle with marrying a rich guy and flirting with her sister's husband on the side. I'm thinking that Angelica (and the male and female black slaves her rich Daddy owned) might have been a bit more satisfied with democratic citizenship. needs to vote when you can debate Thomas Paine with your husband and have him vote for you? Who cares about human rights, when you've got your man- or can manage to keep him on the side? Problem solved. Satisfaction guaranteed. But Miranda isn't just commenting on the regressive gender roles of the past. He's linking them to today's regressive gender roles. How do we know? Because he told us. The book "Hamilton: The Revolution" takes pride in the fact that the song "Helpless" uses the conventions of a contemporary pop song "to help a 21st-century audience understand 18th-century social distinctions. What is that convention, exactly? Flat out owning the "tradition" of rap and R&B duets such as Beyonce and Jay Z's "Crazy in Love" in which “a sweet girl sings about the boy she loves, then the rough-around-the-edges boy pops up to rap his reply. (In both cases, he doesn't rap about her, he raps about himself. Welcome to romance, circa 2016. Where girls still fawn over boys and boys still fawn over themselves. We can understand men and women of the revolution, see, because they are so like us! Hypermasculine males and codependent females. WHAT PROGRESSIVE AND INNOVATIVE HISTORY LOOKS LIKE The sad thing is that there are plenty of men in American history whose stories we could tell who didn't treat women like props. Miranda could have read Michael Kimmel's "Against the Tide: Pro-Feminist Men in the U. S., 1776–1990" and given a voice to the men of history that always knew hypermasculinity was dehumanizing. But we don't tell those men's stories. Or how about all the amazing white, black and Native women of the Revolutionary period, including women who fought on the front lines disguised as men so they could fight? Those stories are out there. Check out "Founding Mothers: The Women Who Raised Our Nation" by acclaimed journalist and historian, Cokie Roberts. Or "Forgotten Founders: How the American Indian Helped Shape Democracy" by Bruce E. Johansen about how the Constitution's Bill of Rights is based on the Iroquoi Constitution- and how the European men left the part out about the Iroquois women having the same rights of property and divorce as the men. The Founders had plenty of opportunity (and the Iroquois' example) to include women in their lofty principles. They deliberately did not. To be clear, my problem with this musical isn't with the Real Historical People and Events depicted. My problem is what Real Historical People and Events we choose to celebrate and the manner in which we tell those stories. Miranda could have told the stories of Revolutionary era men and women, white, black and Native who believed in human rights for blacks, women, and Natives instead of glorifying a social climbing slave trading patriarch and portraying the women in his life as codependent enablers like that's a good thing for women to be, while giving the womens actual personal accomplishments 3 minutes of airtime at the very end. "Who lives, who dies, who tells your story. Apparently no one, if you're female, black, Native or even a white man who didn't support patriarchy. Unless, of course, they're telling the story of some white patriarch you knew or were married to. Then you get to be included so you can sing about how amazing he was for two hours, in spite of his flaws. It's astounding to me that people think this musical is somehow revising history through a progressive retelling, when there is so much scholarship out there that could have made such a more innovative show than telling the story of- yawn- another white guy. Fine, make a hero out of another slave trading white patriarch who believed in democracy- er, except for half of humanity- making bad choices for his career and his family. Just don't kid yourself that it's progressive in any way. Because it isn't. It's actually the same exact story we tell over and over and over and over. DOUBLE STANDARDS IN STORYTELLING What gets me is I have read so many women of color saying they refuse to honor Susan B. Anthonys legacy (who worked tirelessly in support of the causes of abolition of slavery and women's suffrage for several decades) because of her so-called racist feminism, yet I see women of color tripping over themselves to celebrate a "young, scrappy, and hungry" white man who owned slaves. It's precisely because we don't honor real American female revolutionaries for their own accomplishments that women think that Miranda's depiction of Angelica and Eliza is an example of strong progressive female characters. Our bar there is so low, too. There are so many better American female heroes to celebrate or better ways to tell Angelica and Eliza's stories. White women revolutionaries of American history are regularly skewered for lacking the intersectionality to fully include women of colors voices in the leadership of their freedom movements. But white male revolutionaries of history get a free pass about actually legally owning black people and seeing no problem with holding all the legal rights for the women in their families. Once Alexander Hamilton does a mic drop by pointing out to Thomas Jefferson that the south is economically sound because its economy relies on “upaid labor” i. e. black slavery. BOOM! Yet, Miranda didn't seem to think it might be important to point out that Hamilton himself benefitted from the unpaid labor of a woman who served as his wife, mother, secretary and housekeeper who had no legal standing whatsoever, including no ability to own property, earn her own keep, divorce or plan or prevent her interminable pregnancies- a right that is still in danger in 2016. But the women in Hamilton consider themselves "lucky to be alive right now. even without basic rights of citizenship. It reminded me of that scene in Gone With The Wind when the black house slaves see Scarlet's new Atlanta mansion and say, We sho is rich now. Uh, no, they aren't. Their masters are. So here we finally have proof that the "yes, but that's how women were at that time in history" excuse for writing terrible female characters today is nothing but a sexist double standard. We would never stand for any writer today having black historical characters joyfully celebrating their status as the legal property of their masters but it's ok when writers give female historical figures lines in which they joyfully celebrate their "lucky" status as the legal property of their husbands. It just shows you that we are as enlightened about sexism today as movie audiences were in 1939 about racism when Gone With The Wind was filmed. Which much. HAMILTONS CASTING Of course the most glaring hypocrisy in the show itself is that while many of the characters are race flipped, none of them are gender flipped. So, its ok to expose race hypocrisy, but not gender hypocrisy. If you had a man saying some of the codependent lines given to the women, they would sound ridiculous not romantic. Imagine, for example, a love song in which a man asks a woman to “let me be a part of the narrative in the story they will write someday. ” A man giving that line wouldnt be interpreted as making a romantic gesture of support. He would be interpreted as weak and comical. Because real men write and tell their own stories, they dont ask women for permission to be included in womens stories. But a woman doing it is devoted and loving. Because its feminine to be submissive. The song “That Would Be Enough” doesnt critique women's submission, it romanticizes it. As blogger James McCaster wrote on the sexist double standard of how women are portrayed in Hamilton (himself a man of color) One could rationalize Mirandas gender related creative choices with ye olde historical accuracy argument: “Well, this is just how things were back then! Cant argue with history! ” But its hard to accept such an explanation when black and brown men populate the stage, a historically inaccurate depiction of our founding fathers. Given all of the cross-racial casting, why was gender-bent casting beyond the musicals imagination. Exactly. The point is so obvious that Miranda was asked about gender flipped casting. His response? It's a complicated answer. My only trouble with doing it on Broadway is (music) keys. Because changing keys is a pain. You can actually hear in In the Heights (his first show) how tough it is just to write a duet for a guy and a girl to sing together. It's a challenge as a writer for them both to sound good. So that's my trouble. What! It's hard to write songs for male and female voices together? I'm pretty sure opera has been doing that for centuries, including giving women leading roles. And isn't that the excuse men always give to keep women out of certain jobs? That their female anatomy isn't suited for the job? Newsflash, Miranda: you could have made a role suitable by writing it for a woman's voice range from the get go. As of this writing, the show has no plans to pursue gender-flipped casting. It's just such "a pain" to include women, after your own choices have made it "complicated. Talk about blaming the victim to cover up your own limitations and unconscious bias. It's women's voice ranges that are the problem, donchya know? Not Miranda's choice to write historically male characters for male voices and not female vocal ranges. Miranda did say he's ok with "high school" kids gender flipping the lead roles because "no one's voice is set in high school. and that he can't wait to see a "bad-ass" female Jefferson or Hamilton. Well, he didn't have to passively wait. He could have written one himself. And now we're going to normalize high school age women spewing rape culture lines by a hypermasculine patriarch as being "badass. Miranda could have written a female Jefferson or Hamilton with lines that showed those characters' toxic masculinity in a negative light. Instead, that's just how guys are, then and now. Because men are from Mars, see. To use the language of hip hop, men just need to get a grip on that Martian shit. Why not point out that that Martian shit has a name? Toxic hypermasculinity enabled by cultural patriarchal entitlement. But, as weve seen, this show isnt about pointing out gender hypocrisy. Hamilton is about reinforcing it by falling back on archaic ideas about sex, romance and gender to write a story weve all seen a million times before. BEHIND THE SCENES Backstage, Hamilton looks like a cliche example of the worst kind of gender exclusion. Read the program and you'll learn that the writer, director, choreographer, music supervisor, author of the book the musical is based on, scenic designer, costume designer, lighting designer, sound designer and even the hair and wig designer are all- wait for it- male. A Brodeo of Distinction in which women are an afterthought on stage and off. Literally. In Miranda's two pages of early notes outlining the first act, Miranda makes the note " Ladies Musical Moment. parenthesis in the original. This moment ended up being "The Schuyler Sisters" which "arrived relatively late in the show's development" after Hamilton was "on its way to its world premiere production" and only after Tommy "wondered if there might be a way to introduce (Eliza and Angelica) sooner. How nice of Miranda to remember to give the Ladies a parenthetical moment tacked on at the end of his years of creative process in addition to being "Helpless" around men and "Satisfied" by men. Women who think for themselves about themselves see themselves as "helpless" without basic human rights and "satisfied" when their basic humanity is recognized by law. It is so troubling to me that millennial women, in particular, see Angelica and Eliza as powerful characters. That's how much we've internalized codependency in women in 2016. It's super cool. WHY IS HAMILTON SO POPULAR? In hindsight, its not hard to see why the show is so popular right now. It amplifies themes currently running through millennial culture. The prevalence of pornography and hip hop has successfully normalized rape culture sexuality scripts resulting in the Porn Generations tendency to normalize the idea that hypermasculinity and womens right to choose rape culture sexual norms and enable toxic masculinity are both sexy and empowering and attack any attempt to point out what might be problematic about regressive sexual tropes in a work of art claiming to be “revolutionary. ” PROTECTING BLACK MALE CULTURE If you point out the problems with hypermasculine norms in male hip hop culture in particular, youre attacked. If youre white, youre called a “racist” and if youre black youre called a “race traitor. ” The millennial trend is to get behind Black Lives Matter even if its Black Hypermasculine Lives and Their Black and White Female Enablers and White Male Wannabes and to shun and shame critiques of black male hypermasculinity as high tech lynchings (to quote Clarence Thomas. How many times are black male predators (like Bill Cosby) going to be able to hide behind that shield before we all get wise? Point out a black man's troubling hypermasculinity and rape culture sexuality and you are accused of being a racist spewing the "aggressive black male" stereotype. Police brutality towards men of color is a real, tragic human rights violation. But that doesnt give men of color a pass to dehumanize women or idealize womens sexual submission and helplessness. Take Brandon Victor Dixons misogynist tweets, for example (he plays Burr in the NY cast. Such as: St. Patty's day weekend is like Christmas for black dudes who like white chicks. Happy holidays boys. March 12, 2012 @TAMIKASLAWRENCE the problem is ho's aren't what they used to be. If ho game would step up, cats wouldn't get distracted. June 27, 2013 “@jleefilm: 4 every racist comment I get about Trayvon Im going 2 turn 1 white married suburban housewife & mother n2 a jump off” The. Best. July 18, 2013. So: Drunk white girls are presents for black male predators. Women are responsible for keeping men focused by stepping up their ho game. White women are sexual props for black mens revenge against racism. Dixon made headlines when he made a thoughtful and eloquent speech to Mike Pence about diversity and inclusion. He is an excellent example of how men of color can believe they are progressive while still maintaining hypermasculine misogynist (and even racist) views towards women and rape culture ideas about sex. Porn sex scripts and hip hop masculinity are one explanation as to why Dixon and his legions of fans are oblivious to his own troubling contradictions. Again, you can be a man of honor and treat women like props. Its the story of Hamilton. Its the story of Dixon. Its the story of toxic masculinity. ENABLING FEMALE ENABLERS If you point out gender regressive female characters youre attacked, too. Point out that portraying women as obsessed with sex and romance and supporting their man with no narrative purpose outside of advancing the male protagonists story isnt really all that darn progressive in a broadway musical and youll be called sex-negative and slut-shaming womens choices. Apparently you're anti-woman and not feminist if you dont celebrate females codependently enabling tired old cliche stories of toxic hypermasculinity because, according to the current trendy faulty logic of millennials, feminism is about supporting all women- even the boys will be boys patriarchy enablers. If youre a white woman who doesnt want to enable the women enabling rape culture in black males, youll be called a “racist feminist” who obviously just has a problem with black hypermasculinity because its black, not because its creepy. And if youre a man calling out the female tropes, you will no longer be invited to the Stud Club. Chill out, prude dude, it's just “sex. WHO REVIEWS THEATER? It's no accident that the mostly male critics who have reviewed Hamilton have completely missed Hamilton's troubling undertones about gender and sexuality. Ben Brantley writing for The New York Times effused "the ballads that define the triangular relationship among Hamilton, Eliza and Angelica have a romantic urgency and ambivalence that had me in happy tears. Of course. Men cry tears of joy when woman worship them in spite of their flaws. When women's existence revolves around men. When they are "helpless" around male brilliance and "satisfied" if only they can land their man. It's the feminine ideal- for a certain type of man, that is. And just because female critics gush over Hamilton does not give the work a free pass, either. Plenty of women have internalized these hypermasculine and codependent roles as just "sex and romance. HOW GROUPTHINK BULLIES AND SILENCES DISSENT Point out problems with black hypermasculine norms? You're a racist. Point out creepy gender tropes? You're a too easily triggered complaining controlling sex negative hardcore feminazi lying troll focusing on the wrong things mad at life on a rant who just likes to cause trouble and feel superior who didn't deserve a ticket to the show anyway, so there. (That is not an exaggeration. Just read the comments below. Point out that male critics might have a certain cluelessness about seeing regressive gender tropes in theater? You'll be accused of "sexism" against male reviewers. Point out that female critics have normalized regressive gender and sexuality tropes just like the rest of the culture? You'll be told you're anti-women for not supporting all women's viewpoints- even those that enable rape culture. "I mean, just lighten up already and stop being so politically correct. Its just a musical! ” Isnt that exactly what white people tell black people when they call out invisible normalized cultural racism? So what were left with is the groupthink bandwagon phenomenon of thinking its revolutionary to give the story of a white male patriarch a race makeover, while keeping all the regressive gender and sexuality tropes intact. Hmmmmmm… That's the danger of groupthink. People feel justified in bullying dissenting voices instead of facing the hypocrisy of a show they feel an allegiance to just because they didn't catch the problems themselves. "Hey, I'm progressive! I'm a feminist! I'm a person of color! And I like Hamilton! Hamilton can't be wrong, because I can't be wrong. Enter cognitive dissonance followed by amygdala hijacking resulting in denial, bullying, dismissing and silencing without really addressing the evidence or arguments demonstrating Hamilton's major flaws. So the people pointing out Hamiltons flaws are not heard. They are out there, just google “Hamilton negative reviews. ” Im not the first person (or last, Im sure) to be troubled by Hamiltons contradictions. Ill be interested to see how the show fares with a San Francisco audience. WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM HAMILTONS POPULARITY The problem is that even "progressives. feminists. and "people of color" today drink the same cultural koolaid as everyone else. The fact that the problems with Hamilton aren't obvious is the real problem. After all, people in 1939 didn't see what was wrong with the racist portrayal of black slaves codependently enabling their white masters in Gone With The Wind. I am literally applying the exact same analysis to Hamilton with respect to gender that Hamilton prides itself on making with respect to race. And Hamilton is praised for it. But make the same gender analysis and watch the cybermob form on cue to bully and dismiss. The real lesson Hamilton's popularity teaches us is how very defensively regressive we still are about sexuality and gender in 2016. Thats the wake up call. A luta continua. TALKING TRUTH TO THE EMPEROR ABOUT HIS CLOTHES At times the facade reached absurdity. Like at the very end, when Hamilton is portrayed as a victim because history forgot this immigrant bastard son of a whore. Yeah, because a white male of Anglo-Saxon descent who is memorialized on the 10 dollar bill is really a victim of history. How about all the blacks, women, and Natives whose own stories never get told and are only included as props to fluff or fight our White Male Saviors? Those are the real victims of history. Who will tell their story? At the end, the entire theater rose to its feet. I looked at my companion and said, I can't do it. He nodded in agreement. We remained in our seats, politely applauding. After all, the cast was very talented. The dancing and choreography were adequate for a Broadway show (it wasnt up to the virtuosity of an Agnes DeMille or Bill T. Jones. The period costumes and minimalist set nothing to write home about. The story is a pretty cliche take on the standard narrative of glorifying flawed white men and female enablers who glorify those men in spite of their flaws. Miranda himself tells the story of how, after reading a couple of chapters of Ron Chernow's book, he googled "Hamilton Musical" because he couldn't believe the story hadn't already been told. Exactly. Because it fits the same narrative mold of all the same gender regressive stories we tell over and over. Yes, Lin-Manuel Miranda, this story has been told. Too many times. The show's impressive strength was the clever political raps, and its a shame Miranda didnt use his incredible skill to write a more inclusive and progressive work of art or that he didnt educate himself on his own internalized biases about men, women, sex and romance before he wrote his opus magnum. Yes, even male artists who self-identify as feminist can still have very regressive ideas about sexual scripts and gender roles. According to "Hamilton: The Revolution" just about every person that was an inspiration for Hamilton or participated in its creation was male. Miranda might start addressing his unconscious sexism by admitting that he doesn't know what he doesn't know about gender and maybe he should get some conscious women's perspectives on his creative team- and not codepedent females who have internalized enabling hypermasculinity and rape culture scripts about sex and romance and will just tell the Emperor what a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man he is in his sick threads. Maybe hell learn and do better next time. I'm not holding my breath. As it is, his brilliant beats and rhymes aren't enough to sustain the whole production and redeem its troubling flaws. I can only hope that Hamilton never makes it to a movie screen to infect even more young minds and set the clock back on sexuality and gender roles even further than the popular stage production already has. As a line in the show says, The Emperor Wasn't Wearing Any Clothes. We couldn't help wondering if the rarity and high cost of tickets to the show isn't helping to enable the miasma of adulation that surrounds this troubling work. My companion admitted, If I had paid 500 for my seat, it probably would have taken me longer to admit to myself how bad it was. Sad. But true. Keep your money and skip it. Update Edit: Since this review has been posted, it has been 33% up voted. That's a much higher percentage than I expected. I'm pleasantly surprised. Maybe there's hope for us yet! If you found my review valuable, you are not alone. You are part of the 1 in 3 people on the Hamilton subreddit who have read this and voted it a thumbs up.

The famously reticent Supreme Court justice opens up about his life and career in Michael Pack's documentary. It turns out that Clarence Thomas can speak after all. The famously reticent Supreme Court justice opens up big time in the new documentary by Michael Pack, which will receive a theatrical release before airing on PBS this spring. The result of some 30 hours of interviews conducted by the filmmaker with Thomas and his wife, Ginny, Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words lives up to its title. Composed nearly entirely of its principal subject recounting his life story directly to the camera, the film will inevitably thrill conservatives while driving liberals up the wall. If it were paired on a double bill with RBG, you could imagine loud arguments breaking out at the theater. If you're wondering why Thomas is finally breaking his vow of silence, it may be due to the fact that he felt comfortable cooperating with Pack, a conservative filmmaker who's collaborated with Steve Bannon and was nominated by President Trump for the position of chief executive officer of the U. S. Agency for Global Media. So it's not like he was walking into the lion's den. Covering much of the biographical material contained in his 2007 memoir My Grandfather's Son, Thomas describes his impoverished upbringing in rural Georgia (cue Louis Armstrong singing "Moon River. composed by Savannah's own Johnny Mercer. Raised largely by his grandparents, Thomas entered a seminary and considered becoming a priest, only to abandon the idea when a white fellow student made an offensive remark expressing happiness at Martin Luther King Jr. 's assassination. That ultra-sensitivity and tendency toward whiplash ideological changes becomes highly apparent through the course of the film. Thomas became radicalized for a while, participating in anti-Vietnam War rallies and chanting about freeing Angela Davis. Then, after attending Holy Cross College and Yale Law School, he became, as he describes himself, a "lazy libertarian. Cue the inevitable clip from the film version of Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead. The only job offer he received after graduating came from Jack Danforth, then Missouri's Attorney General, but Thomas says he hated the idea of working for a Republican. Nonetheless, he became the state's Assistant Attorney General, only to leave the position shortly afterward and work as a corporate lawyer for Monsanto. He later moved to Washington and became a legislative aide for Danforth, who had been elected senator. By then, Thomas had fully embraced the Republican agenda, voting for Reagan in 1980 because of his desire to see an end to the "social engineering of the '60s and '70s. " His rise after that was swift. When Justice Thurgood Marshall retired, George Bush nominated him to fill the seat and, well, you know the rest. What comes through loud and clear during the documentary is that Thomas has lost none of the anger and bitterness he displayed during that time. "This is about the wrong kind of black guy, he has to be destroyed. he says about those who opposed his nomination, playing the same card as when he famously testified that his hearing represented a "high-tech lynching for uppity blacks. He bitterly compares himself to the character of Joseph K in Franz Kafka's The Trial, as the film dutifully provides a clip of Anthony Perkins emoting in the film version. When asked if he watched Anita Hill's testimony, he makes a disgusted face and says, Oh, God, no. By the time he likens himself to Tom Robinson in To Kill a Mockingbird (you guessed it, another clip) you start to wonder if there isn't any martyr he doesn't identify with. At least he eventually made peace with his travails. When asked how he felt when he was finally confirmed, Thomas sarcastically replies, Whoop-de-damn-do. " Responding to a question about his famous unwillingness to engage with lawyers making arguments before the Supreme Court, Thomas explains, The referee in the game should not be a participant in the game. Sounds reasonable enough, except it flies in the face of centuries of tradition at the highest court in the land. Periodically throughout the film, his spouse, whom he lovingly describes as "a gift from God. weighs in on various topics. Her personal observations add little of substance to the proceedings, but her unwavering support for her husband comes through loud and clear. A revealing moment comes when Thomas waxes poetic about driving his motor home through Middle America — or "real America. as he calls it — and hanging out with "regular people" in Walmart parking lots. There's no danger of running into liberal elites there. A scene late in the film, showing him chatting and laughing with his personally selected law clerks, illustrates that he certainly lives up to his long-expressed position against affirmative action. The group doesn't include a single person of color. Despite its obvious lack of objectivity, Clarence Thomas: In His Own Words proves an undeniably important historical document, if only for the rare opportunity it provides to hear from its subject directly. Unfortunately, the unintentional portrait it paints is hardly a flattering one, although obviously many will disagree. Production: Manifold Productions Distributor: Blue Fox Entertainment Director/screenwriter/producer: Michael Pack Executive producer: Gina Cappo Pack Director of photography: James Callanan Editor: Faith Jones Composer: Charlie Barnett 116 min.

A humble and honorable man. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words (2020.

Created equal clarence thomas in his own words where is it playing

Only now, at its first anniversary, has the Smithsonian's National Museum Of African American History And Culture given a place to Clarence Thomas. For a year people have been complaining about the lack of recognition of one of America's greatest and most successful Black citizens (because he didn't fit into the stereo-type required by the Liberal/Left. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words. LONG DONG SILVER 😂😂😂. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words on the page. Now he'll have a mate! ❤. Only being played in a few selected theaters. The Left believes the fewer people to see it, the better.

Edit Storyline Although Clarence Thomas remains a controversial figure, loved by some, reviled by others, few know much more than a few headlines and the recollections of his contentious confirmation battle with Anita Hill. Yet, the personal odyssey of Clarence Thomas is a classic American story and should be better known and understood. His life began in extreme poverty in the segregated South, and moved to the height of the legal profession, as one of the most influential justices on the Supreme Court. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words tells the Clarence Thomas story truly and fully, without cover-ups or distortions. The documentary will open in movie theaters nationally on January 31, 2020, followed by a national broadcast on PBS in May 2020. Educational use is forthcoming. Plot Summary, Add Synopsis Taglines: Unprecedented access. The story you didn't know. Motion Picture Rating ( MPAA) Rated PG-13 for thematic elements including some sexual references Details Release Date: 31 January 2020 (USA) See more  » Also Known As: Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words Box Office Opening Weekend USA: 74, 577, 2 February 2020 Cumulative Worldwide Gross: 104, 781 See more on IMDbPro  » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs  ».

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